Worship Order for Sunday

Long Green Valley Church of the Brethren
Long Green & Kanes Rds., near Glen Arm, Md.
May 20, 2007
Worship 10:00 am, Sunday School 11:10 am

Health Promotion Sunday

      Jesus then asked him, "What is your name?" He said, "Legion"; for many demons had entered him. (Luke 8:30)

  Morning Praise (9:45 am)

  Call to Worship

*Song                                         "As the Deer"                                  (see insert)

*Opening Prayer

*Affirmation Hymn                  "God sent his Son"                                         345

  Scripture                                    Psalm 42-43

  Wellness Moment

  Hymn                    (vs. 1) "Guide me, O thou great Jehovah"                         582

  The story of a prophet running from his troubles            1 Kings 19:1-15

  Returning our Tithes and Offerings

  Offertory              (Please sign the attendance pad and pass it on)

*Hymn                    (vs. 3) "Guide me, O thou great Jehovah"                         582


  Scripture                                Galatians 3:23-29

  Sharing a joy, a concern, a word of testimony or praise

  Hymn                                 "Healer of our every ill"                                      377

  Pastoral Prayer

  The story of a man mobbed by his demons                 Luke 8:26-39

  Message                               "Opposite Galilee"

*Hymn                               "We praise thee, O God"                                       99



#'s are from Hymnal: A Worship Book

Worship leaders - see basic guidelines

Call to Worship
(quotes Psalm 42:1-2a)

All: "As the wild deer longs for flowing streams, so my soul longs for you, O God. My soul thirsts for God, for the living God."

One: We have come together to strengthen our love and our worship of the living God.

All: Our corporate worship is a sharing of faith and expectation.

One: We also bring our own unique and private joys, anxieties, memories and hopes.

All: Our worship includes secrets known to God alone.

One: We gather with a common status as the children of one loving Parent.

All: Our worship unites a scattered family.

One: We offer our varied gifts and resources to the one common Saviour.

All: Our worship is a fellowship in the one body of Christ.

One: We gather in the presence of the Holy Spirit, where each soul may better know itself, understand its neighbour, and slake its thirst on God’s love.

All: Our worship is a searching and finding, a loving and adoring.

©  Bruce B. Prewer

Opening Prayer

         Living God, like the author of the psalm, there are times when we feel besieged by unbelief . Times when we are mocked for our faithfulness and people still cry "where is your God?" So, on this day of celebration, we praise and thank you for giving meaning and shape to our faith in the person of Jesus Christ. You strengthen us with the power of the Holy Spirit so that we can affirm our unity in Christ with joy and hope for the future. There are times of testing when doubts creep in, and there are sure to be such times ahead, but we face the future with courage and anticipation, in the knowledge that you have been - that you are - and that you forever will be - our help, our rock, and our God. In Jesus’ name, we pray. Amen

from Liturgies Online © Moira B Laidlaw

Wellness Moment

         Our Wellness Team has chosen a focus for each month of the year. On May's theme of Mental, Linda Sonczewski (a public health nurse and deacon), will speak briefly on this topic on this Health Promotion Sunday.

Returning our Tithes and Offerings

         In the act of worship, when we are honest with ourselves and with our God, we stop running away from our problems and turn and face the source of our strength. This requires leaving the comfort of the cave to which we flee. It involves stepping forth in spite of the outer fury that threatens to unravel us. It means listening for the still, small voice of God who speaks in silence.
         Don’t just give your money just now. As the plates are passed, imagine yourself turning away from the back wall of whatever cave you presently occupy, and bracing yourself to meet the living God. This, after all, is why we are here.



         We feel that we go in so many directions at once, O God. We spend money in many places. We dart from activity to activity. Sometimes we wonder if we have a center. These gifts are given with the prayer that we may find a more Spirit-led focus for our pocketbooks and our lives. Thank you for this opportunity to center our lives and our resources on you and on your hope for the world. Amen.

from UMC Center for Christian Stewardship
written by Herb Mather, retired staff member of
the General Board of Discipleship of The United Methodist Church.
Copyright © 2007 The General Board of Discipleship of
The United Methodist Church. Used with permission.

Pastoral Prayer


written closer to the time (if not at the moment)



Go now, proclaiming to all how much Jesus has done for you.
Be as one with each other in Christ.
Wait for the Lord, and be ready to hear God’s voice,
even in the sounds of sheer silence.
And may God be your fortress;

May Christ Jesus release you from all that torments you;
And may the Holy Spirit give you light and truth
........to sustain you day and night.

©2001 Nathan Nettleton www.laughingbird.net

(para traducir a español, presione la bandera de España)


Interested in Sunday School?
Below is a growing list of possible sites to visit. As you discover others, please let us know.

International Lesson:
Faith and Life Resources
Mennonite Publishing House

International Lesson:
Mennonite Weekly Review

(scroll down on left to "Sunday School lessons)

International Lesson:
Christian Standard
(one week ahead)

International Lesson:
Living Web Sunday School Project

While one of our adult classes follows the International lesson above, using
A Guide for Biblical Studies,
published quarterly by our denomination,
another class often uses one of the
Good Ground series,
also published by Brethren Press.

For children and youth, we use the new
Gather Round curriculum
(developed jointly by the Church of the Brethren and the Mennonite Church)


©2007 Peter L. Haynes
(unless otherwise stated, worship resources were written by him)


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