Worship Order for Sunday

Long Green Valley Church of the Brethren
Long Green & Kanes Rds., near Glen Arm, Md.
January 4, 2009
Worship 10:00 am, Sunday School 11:10 am

      Lord, as you have promised, you now dismiss your servant in peace; for my eyes have seen your salvation, which you have prepared in the sight of all peoples, a light for revelation to the Gentiles and for glory to your people Israel.”  (Luke 2:29-32)

  Morning Praise (9:45 am)

  Call to Worship

*Hymn                            "As with gladness men of old"                              218

*A Post-Christmas Prayer

  Dedication Service for a child and his parents

  Hymn                        "Child of blessing, child of promise"                          620

  Scripture                                      Psalm 148

  Returning our Tithes and Offerings

  Offertory               (Please sign the attendance pad and pass it on)

  Scripture                               Isaiah 61:10 – 62:3

  Sharing a joy, a concern, a word of testimony or praise
                                 (please be brief, and aware of God’s listening presence)

  Hymn                          "Love came down at Christmas"                             208

  Pastoral Prayer

  Scripture                                   Luke 2:22-40

  Message                                "Simeon’s Song"

*Hymn                                      "Simeon’s Eyes"                (see back of bulletin)



#'s are from Hymnal: A Worship Book

Worship leaders - see basic guidelines

Call to Worship
(Galatians 4:4-7)

1 - “In the fullness of time…

2 - Think of a cup ready to overflow, an older person waiting to go home, a balloon on the verge of popping, a woman about to give birth…

1 - “When the fullness of time had come, God sent his Son…

2 - This was no accident. It didn’t just ‘happen.’ This was intentional.

1 - “God sent his Son, born of a woman…

2 - Just like every other child ever born…

1 - “born under the law…

2 - Just like you and I…

1 - “in order to redeem those who were under the law…

2 - Yes, just like you and I…

1 - “so that we…

2 - “We,” that is “you and I” and every other child ever born, even those who have never known their real parents…

1 - “so that we might receive adoption as God’s children…

2 -  If the truth be told, we are all orphans, but someone has claimed us as his own.

1 - “And because you are his children, God has sent the Spirit of his Son into our hearts, crying,Abba! Father!

2 - Our deepest longing. Our first words. With them we know who we are and where we belong…

1 - “Abba! Father!

2 - “Abba! Father!” Repeat these words as a child of God, everyone:

All - “Abba! Father!

1 - “God has sent the Spirit of his Son into our hearts, crying,Abba! Father!So you are no longer a slave but a son or a daughter of God, and since you are a daughter or son of the most high, then you – through Christ – are also an heir of God.

2 - Amen! Do not forget who you are.

1 - Amen! Rejoice and be glad.

A Post-Christmas Prayer

One: Lord, we confess that much of our Christmas and New Years celebrations have involved perishable blessings. We thank you, however, for that which is imperishable amid all that is perishable.

  All: We rejoice in the aftermath of crumpled wrapping paper and scattered confetti, for the love we’ve seen in the giving of gifts, and heard in the “auld lang syne.”

One: We rejoice amid presents that will soon be worn out and bellies that now need fasting, for our friendship and family ties which have been renewed and will endure.

  All: We rejoice in the dried and falling pine needles for your fresh and undying love in our midst, made flesh in Jesus of Nazareth.

One: May the light which shines on because Jesus has come, illumine the lives of each of us.

  All: May it be said of us, O God, that we received him, that we believed in him, that we received from him the power to truly become your sons and daughters.

One: Amen!

  All: Amen!

adapted from a prayer written by Rick Gardner, from
In Straw and Story: Christmas Resources for Home and Family,
The Brethren Press, ©1977, p. 81.

Psalm 148

         (To be read rapid fire, as if no chance for breath exists between each line, image upon image from creation blurring through the mind. Do not announce as a scripture reading, just begin. Reader one stands at the lectern. Reader 2 speaks from elsewhere in the sanctuary.)

1 - Praise the Lord!

2 - Praise the Lord from the heavens;

1 - praise him in the heights!

2 - Praise him, all his angels;

1 - praise him, all his host!

2 - Praise him, sun and moon;

1 - praise him, all you shining stars!

2 - Praise him, you highest heavens, and you waters above the heavens!

1 - Let them praise the name of the Lord, for he commanded and they were created.

2 - He established them forever and ever;

1 - he fixed their bounds, which cannot be passed.

1 - Praise the Lord from the earth,

2 - you sea monsters and all deeps,

1 - fire and hail,

2 - snow and frost,

1 - stormy wind fulfilling his command!

2 - Mountains and all hills,

1 - fruit trees and all cedars!

2 - Wild animals and all cattle,

1 - creeping things and flying birds!

2 - Kings of the earth and all peoples,

1 - princes and all rulers of the earth!

2 - Young men and women alike,

1 - old and young together!

1 - Let them praise the name of the Lord, for his name alone is exalted;

2 - his glory is above earth and heaven.

1 - He has raised up a horn for his people,

2 - praise for all his faithful,

1 - for the people of Israel who are close to him.

2 - Praise the Lord!

from the New Revised Standard Version,
copyright 1989 by the Division of Christian Education of the
National Council of the Churches of Christ in the United States of America.
Used by permission. All rights reserved.


Returning our Tithes and Offerings

Let’s pray.

            We hear your invitation, God. Loud and clear. “Let them praise…” That means “us.” But not “just” us. Angels and saints, things above and things below, all of creation, even that which frightens us - You invite us all into the whirlwind of your glory, a wonder our eyes can scarce behold. A young couple dedicating themselves and their child this day remind us of another little one whose parents long ago journeyed to Jerusalem for a similar task. Christmas is an ongoing story, and you invite us to live it out all year round – to not only give of ourselves, but to keep our eyes wide open to the miracles that are right in front of us. Amen.


Pastoral Prayer


written closer to the time (if not at the moment)


"Simeon's Eyes"
(sung to the tune of "Rock o' my soul")

Simeon's eyes saw the light of salvation.*
Simeon's eyes saw the light of salvation.
Simeon's eyes saw the light of salvation.
Let him go in peace.

Simeon's arms held the baby of Bethlehem.
Simeon's arms held the baby of Bethlehem.
Simeon's arms held the baby of Bethlehem.
Let him go in peace.

Simeon's voice praised the God of all nations.
Simeon's voice praised the God of all nations.
Simeon's voice praised the God of all nations.
Let him go in peace.

Simeon's eyes saw the light of salvation.
Simeon's arms held the baby of Bethlehem.
Simeon's voice praised the God of all nations.
Let him go in peace.
Let him go in peace.
Let him go in peace.

*pronounced sal-VAY-ay-shun

by Jerry Lee Miller, pastor
Spring Run Church of the Brethren
McVeytown, PA
Church of the Brethren Living Word Bulletin
Anchor/Wallace, Sleepy Eye MN 56085, "The Living Word Series"


Depart now in peace, for your eyes have seen the salvation
which God has prepared for all people.
Grow in strength and wisdom
and bring forth a harvest of righteousness and praise.

And may God smile upon you and make you strong and wise;
May Christ Jesus share his inheritance with you freely;
And may the Holy Spirit open your eyes to the presence of God’s Messiah.

©2002 Nathan Nettleton www.laughingbird.net

(para traducir a español, presione la bandera de España)


Interested in Sunday School?
Below is a growing list of possible sites to visit. As you discover others, please let us know.

International Lesson:
Faith and Life Resources
Mennonite Publishing House

International Lesson:
Mennonite Weekly Review

(scroll down on left to "Sunday School lessons)

International Lesson:
Christian Standard
(one week ahead)

International Lesson:
Living Web Sunday School Project

International Lesson:
Adult Bible Studies
from The United Methodist Publishing House
(click "supplemental resources" and "current events supplement" under both the "Student" and "Teacher" sections in the left hand column)

While one of our adult classes follows the International lesson above (see also), using
A Guide for Biblical Studies,
published quarterly by our denomination,
another class often uses one of the
Good Ground series,
also published by Brethren Press.

For children and youth, we use the new
Gather Round curriculum
(developed jointly by the Church of the Brethren and the Mennonite Church)


©2009 Peter L. Haynes
(unless otherwise stated, worship resources were written by him)


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