click on above logo
includes these translations/paraphrases:
English Bible Good News Translation New King James
Version (& KJV) The Message New American Standard Bible
New Century Version New International Version New Living
Translation New Revised Standard Version (& RSV)
plus many other
translations and Bible study features

click on above logo
includes these translations/paraphrases:
English Bible Contemporary English Version Good News
Translation New King James Version (& KJV) Living
Bible The Message New American Standard Bible New
Century Version New International Version (& NIVUK)
New Living Translation New Revised Standard Version (&
RSV) The Voice
plus many other translations and Bible study features

click on above logo
includes these translations/paraphrases:
Common English Bible Contemporary English Version
Good News Translation New King James Version (& KJV)
The Message New American Standard Bible New
Century Version New International Version (& NIVUK)
New Living Translation
plus many other
translations and Bible study features |

click on above logo
includes these translations/paraphrases:
Contemporary English Version Good News Translation
New King James Version (& KJV) The Message New
American Standard Bible New Century Version New
International Version New Living Translation New
Revised Standard Version (& RSV)
plus many other
translations and Bible study features |

Contemporary English Version
(also includes NIV, NASB, Amplified, New Living, KJV,
NKJV, 21st cent. KJV, ESV, ASV, Worldwide English, Youngs, Darby,

has NRSV, KJV, NRSB (Anglicized version)
with and without verse #'s displayed
(I use this a lot! - webmaster)

A good study resource with Hebrew/Greek texts
and older translations within (along with older concordances,
dictionaries, and commentaries) in parallel format, as well as
links to newer translations.

New English Translation
(the first version made for the internet)

Cotton Patch Version
of the New
(text no longer online - only available digitally as

Testament in Modern English by JB Phillips

Today's New International Version
an "inclusive" revision of the
translation.... |
(JPS 1917 translation with outside
links to the Massoretic, Hebrew, & Aramaic
texts, and the Kaplan
translation) |

JPS Translation
not available online |
Judaica Press
a new English translation edited by Rabbi A.J.
Rosenberg, with commentary by Rashi |
The Living Bible

now available on
Bible Gateway |
Standard Version
translation in process
(accessed only by downloading complete

also available above on
Search God's Word |

An Australian paraphrase of selected texts connected to the
for use in worship
New American
Standard Bible
from the Lockman
also available on
& Study
Though no longer active, this was
"the only site online that brings together the Scriptures from Judaism, Christianity, and Islam."
NRSV (including Apocrapha) & the new Standard English Version (SEV)
of the Quran.
When contacted, Zaine Ridling,
wrote (7/18/07), "Given my full plate, I could no longer devote time to it, and will
likely not finish the Quran translation for many years. However, I will soon offer a ZIP download of the files intact via link under the
"Hebrew Bible" at the 'Access the Great Books' site: http://www.anova.org/
. I'm also working on an ODF copy of it, since Microsoft's formats are
proprietary." Thanks, Zaine! This is a worthy endeavor!
Non-Ecclesiastical New Testament
(now a .pdf file)
"Suppose that when reading the New Testament,
one were to discover that Jesus' intent in coming here was to
abolish religious systems of worship that were almost identical to
what we have today. A new translation would certainly be
required." This is Frank Daniels' attempt to do just that,
shedding the so-called "ecclesiastical paradigm" of other
Literal Translation of the Holy Bible
by Jay P. Green Sr.
(This is as it says - unfortunately this link
is currently broken
see "Study Light.org"
above for the text)

Looking for the Greek text of the New
(as well as the Old) Testament? Check here for numerous annotated
Better Life Bible
to people who spend less than an hour per week reading the Bible and
who have difficulty understanding it. Revised and expanded from The
Biker Bible.

An American English Bible
now complete with extensive word links
"...a Bible that is easy to read in contemporary American English and conveys the original messages and meanings as accurately as possible."
Hebrew Scriptures are based upon the Septuagint.
Version New Testament
Nee and Witness Lee, which F.F. Bruce
once called
"an accurate and fairly literal rendering of the Greek."
article on Lee)
New Covenant
Secular translation of the New Testament by
Barnstone. Vol. 1 (Gospels and Revelation) finished. Sample of
available online. Focuses on literary
quality and emphasizes Jewish nature of the texts.
Seeking a red-letter edition with the words of
Jesus standing out of the text in a different color?
Try WebBible.net