"Who do you say
that I am?" Jesus asked. Simon Peter answered, "You
are the Messiah, the Son of the living God." And Jesus
answered, "Blessed are you, Simon son of Jonah! ... You are
Peter (petros), and on this rock (petra)
I will build my church..." Jesus then began to speak of
the rough road ahead. And Peter took him aside and rebuked him... "Get
behind me, Satan!" Jesus replied. "You are a stumbling
block..." (Matthew 16:13-23) May these words of this Peter be like a rock, |
Wheat, Greenbacks, and Real Life"
A dramatized story, based upon John
6, and an event that actually
happened several years ago
Message preached July 6, 2003
Long Green Valley Church of the Brethren
Glen Arm, Maryland USA
The bulk of the story is carried by the "Narrator" telling it
from the lectern or pulpit, with "Kevin" acting out the part
in the center of the raised area up front (the
nave or open chancel, depending on your theology of church architecture).
The "Radio Announcer" announcer, "Reporter,"
"Cop," and "Jesus" speak from opposite sides of the
sanctuary - "Radio Announcer" and "Jesus" on one
side, and "Reporter" and "Cop" on the other (the
latter two can interact as actual on-the-scene interview). "Radio
Announcer" and "Jesus" could be the same person. At a minimum, "Kevin" should have a chair and, perhaps, a steering wheel. While other props could be used (like some bogus bills), he should pantomime, based on the story the narrator is telling. The narrator could even read Kevin’s thoughts, instead of Kevin speaking them. Likewise, if there are no others to help, the narrator could read it all. However, it would be best if more people are involved. |
Narrator: | "Traffic isn’t all that bad," Kevin thought, as he drove home Tuesday evening. |
Not bad, compared with how the freeway usually was during
rush hour. He played with the radio, trying to get his mind off work. That
was easier than getting his mind off the checkbook.
Things do get complicated. Between buying a house, and paying for a car, and all the other bills that come with living the good life, it gets so complex. This "good life" always seems just one more raise around the corner, another dollar in the bank. Kevin thought about all those sweepstakes. He never entered one. Who wins them, anyway? But, boy, could they use money like that right now. He’d always been taught that gambling was wrong, but every time he passed by one of those "Lottery" billboards, he had to wonder what it would be like to win all that money. Not only could they pay their bills, but they’d then have a cushion, just in case a pink slip came his way. Furthermore, they could get some of those things they’d always wanted to have. With all that money, he could stop watching every penny, and putting Charlotte and the kids through the nightmare of "balance the budget" day. Over the years the rest of the family had learned to stay away from Dad when bills were being paid. He hated being like that! Extra money could really make life a whole lot easier. Of course, if he did win it big, the Lord would get a hunk of it. He could finally afford to tithe. Hey, if he won big enough, he could give the church the equivalent of a year’s budget and turn around the giving cycle, so that this year’s spending would be last year’s giving. Wouldn’t that be something!! If somehow he ever did buy into the Lottery, and he just happened to win, some real good could come out of it! Such was the state of Kevin’s mind as he drove home on the freeway. He almost didn’t see the cars ahead of him slow down. Things came to a standstill. "O brother," he thought, "I guess it’ll be a late evening." Then he saw the reason for the tie-up. You couldn’t miss it. The sky was literally green. It was really strange - sunlight filtering through something like a kaleidoscope of green. He couldn’t figure out what it was. Then something landed on his windshield. He looked at it closely, and realized it was a $100 bill. He shook his head and looked again. Sure enough, that’s what it was. Another landed, and then another. He let out something between a war-hoot and the cry of an insane man, and jumped out of the car. He started grabbing for as many bills as he could. It was raining money. Folks around him were out of their cars doing the same thing, on both sides of the interstate. It was amazing! Of course, he wasn’t watching them. His eyes were on the skies. He didn’t even bother to wonder from where it was all coming. A woman nearby yelled out, "It’s like manna from heaven!"... "A miracle!," cried someone else. Kevin said nothing. He just was stuffing his pockets full. A police car raced by on the berm of the road, but he didn’t even see it. He wiped his chin and the cuff of his shirt came away soaking wet, but he didn’t notice. The stream of money from the sky, this "manna from heaven," slowly started to let up. Then it stopped. It didn’t take long for all the greenbacks to be picked up. Then
everybody just got back in their cars, and waited for traffic to begin
moving again. Kevin got behind the wheel, and immediately his mind started
racing. |
Kevin: | "I can pay for the car outright! I could set aside a chunk of it all for the kid’s college. |
Maybe we could finally get that swimming pool we’ve been
wanting. No, be practical, Kevin! Put most of it away in savings and use
the interest. Well, maybe not all of it. Hey! Put a couple $100 bills in
the offering this Sunday and see what happens." |
Narrator: | Kevin’s mind raced through the possibilities. Of course, he never did consider |
whether that money belonged to anybody. It was too much like
a dream come true. Without thinking about it, he turned the radio on. A
song ended, and the announcer began to speak. |
Radio Announcer: |
"Well, folks, if you’re coming home on the uptown
expressway, you’ve got a twenty to thirty minute wait. Seems some
practical joker had a field day this afternoon. For more on the story we
turn to Diane Aaron on the scene. Diane?" |
Reporter: | "Hello, Steve. I’m standing here at exit twenty-five talking with officer Malone |
of the state police. This is one colossal traffic jam. I’ve
never seen anything like it. It all started when money rained from the
sky. Tell us more, officer Malone." |
Cop: | "Well yes, Ms. Aaron. I arrived on the scene around 5:27 pm. People were |
out of their cars running around like maniacs. Some folks
were literally foaming at the mouth, as they were frantically trying to
collect all these bogus $100 bills that were floating down from the
sky." |
Reporter: |
"Did you say, "bogus," officer?" |
Cop: | "Yes, ma’am. Any fool looking at the things could see they’re no good. As far as |
we can tell right now, somebody dumped a load of them from
an airplane or something, right over the interstate. We’ve got
detectives working on that right now. Whoever did this is in a lot of
trouble. Luckily, there were no major accidents..." |
Narrator: | Kevin started listening in earnest about halfway through the broadcast. |
"Bogus?," he wondered. He took a bill out of his
pocket and looked at it ... sure enough. The signature above the title,
"secretary of the treasury" was "Donald Trump." The
picture was of Al Gore, complete with a white wig.
Kevin started laughing as hard as he could. He thought about how stupid he’d been. He was probably one of the ones the officer was talking about. "Foaming at the mouth." Had he really looked that ridiculous? Well, he was in good company. He looked at the folks in the cars around him. Some of them were laughing, too. He turned off the radio and started to think. What was most important to him? Apparently, money and everything it could buy, was pretty high on the list. How did he feel about that? He always thought a Christian was supposed to be a bit different from everybody else. Was he really any different, when it came right down to it? He foamed at the mouth and chased after the bread, just like all the rest. Pretty ridiculous! What was most important to him, anyway? Had he allowed the things in his life to run it? It gets so complicated! "I guess you figure you can control the things, the stuff money can buy," he thought. "So easily and quickly, though, they come to control you." What was most important to him, anyway? Certainly, his family should be near the top of the list. They were part of the reason he tried to keep up this standard of living. He wanted them to have the "good life." Was that enough? Was the good life getting in the way? Yes, you needed your daily bread. Everybody does. Life, though, is more than bread, it’s more than the things that you possess. It’s more than the control you have over something that really has more control over you. As he sat in his car, waiting for traffic to start moving again, Kevin thought about all of this. He reached into his glove compartment and pulled out a cassette. A friend had once spoken of how he used the time he spent on the road each day to listen to the Bible on tape. So Kevin started doing the same. Today’s cassette just happened to begin at the story of Jesus feeding the 5,000. He listened to it as he waited, hearing it as if for the first time. All those hungry people. What were they worried about, really? A boy had a lunch, and somehow, Jesus made that little bit of food enough for everybody. There was so much more to it all, though, than a few loaves and fishes. "Yes, God provides everything we need," Kevin thought as he listened, "but that’s not what life is really all about... Those people, they just saw the miracle, they saw loaves and fishes multiply before them. They saw only $100 bills floating down from heaven; something they could grab, and use to get by, and maybe get ahead in this old world. But they didn’t see Jesus. Then he walked away." Kevin kept on listening to the Bible come alive as he sat. Traffic was
still at a standstill. The people in the story found Jesus, the guy who
had given them bread, and they were hungry for more. Jesus, though, could
see through them to what they really wanted. To him, the things they
desired were bogus. Their deeper hunger would never be touched by this
stuff. As if for the first time, Kevin heard Jesus talk about "real
life," something far greater than the "good life." Jesus
said: |
Jesus: | "I am the bread of life, he who comes to me shall not hunger, he who believes |
in me shall never thirst ... everyone who really sees me,
and really believes in me, will have real life, everlasting life, eternal
life, and I will raise them up on the last day." |
Narrator: | Kevin listened, and heard with a deeper ear. Since childhood he’d been trying |
to get control over his life. Yet, he never felt like he
succeeded, even as his business flourished and his family prospered.
That was true of his life as a Christian, also. Jesus was just someone to help him get ahead. God provided his daily bread. He was thankful for it, and at mealtime they said thanks, and they went to church to say thanks. He was grateful for his daily bread, the stuff they needed to get by, and maybe even get ahead, every day. Here, though, was something more than mere bread, whether whole wheat, or greenback. "I am the Bread of Life," Jesus said. Those words came
alive as Kevin listened. Here he was, sitting in his car, on a crowded
freeway, his pockets stuffed with bogus bread. Jesus spoke to him, in that
still, small voice with which God often speaks. |
Jesus: | "Kevin, I am the bread of life. Don’t search elsewhere. You’ll never be satisfied. |
Real life is not for sale. It is a gift. I give it to you.
Kevin. I died especially for you. Just come to me. Believe in me. I give
my life to you. I am the Bread of Life, and that will be so much more than
you will ever need." |
Narrator: | The cassette kept on running, but Kevin was listening beyond the words. |
Before he knew it, traffic was starting to move. A honk from
behind prompted him to turn on the ignition. Soon things were back to
normal. Well, not quite. Kevin was heading back home with so much more
than his bogus bills. As he drove, he prayed. |
Kevin: | "God, you are more than I ever wanted you to be. I desired bread, the stuff that |
helps me get by, maybe even get ahead. I guess that’s all I really thought I wanted. You’ve given me that. But you are so much more than mere bread, Lord. Forgive me my foolishness. I really want you to be the One who determines my life. Give me tomorrow’s bread, today, the bread of life that I can’t control, which satisfies more than anything else. Thank you, Jesus, for dying upon that cross for me. A gift, I cannot repay. I believe. Help me to really live. Amen." |
see this in short story format |
online resources for John 1-21, 24-35, 35-51, 51-58, & 56-69. |
For commentaries consulted, see John. |
©2003 Peter
L. Haynes
(you are welcome to borrow and, where / as appropriate, note
the source - myself or those from whom I have knowingly borrowed.)