"Who do you say
that I am?" Jesus asked. Simon Peter answered, "You
are the Messiah, the Son of the living God." And Jesus
answered, "Blessed are you, Simon son of Jonah! ... You are
Peter (petros), and on this rock (petra)
I will build my church..." Jesus then began to speak of
the rough road ahead. And Peter took him aside and rebuked him... "Get
behind me, Satan!" Jesus replied. "You are a stumbling
block..." (Matthew 16:13-23) May these words of this Peter be like a rock, |
“Puffed up or Built up”
Message preached February 1,
Long Green Valley Church of the Brethren
Glen Arm, Maryland USA
based upon
1 Corinthians 8:1-13
Listen to this sermon (.mp3) Read with powerpoint pictures (pdf)
What is most important: a principle or a person? It’s not an irrelevant
thing to ask, especially at a time when convictions are being tried in
distant lands, as well in nearby school hallways. What is most important: a
principle or a person?
Back in the 1800’s, the Brethren encountered a movement in this nation which
called for the prohibition of alcohol as an evil which was destroying our
society. Now basically, Brethren have always been fairly conservative. Back
then they were still among the plain people, like the Amish. Being
conservative, they did not take to jumping onto political bandwagons - such
as this new “Temperance” movement. Eventually the old Brethren accepted the
principles of this movement as their own, and it is still the official
Brethren position that we ought to abstain from things harmful, and be
moderate in all others. It’s a helpful principle to live by.
However, what is most important, my friends: a principle or a person? In
reading the historical record, we discover how those who went before us came
to their conclusions. Might this help us find our way today? Our
denominational forbearers did wrestle a great deal over the use of alcohol,
particularly in relation to the wine of communion. Back and forth they went
on whether or not wine should be used, some saying that - as a harmful
substance - it had no place in the church; others asserting that the Bible
said Jesus used wine and not grape juice.
You know what finally decided the issue? It was the concern for brothers and
sisters who were recovering alcoholics, and the temptation that wine during
communion might present to them, personally. In fact, it was this scripture
which provided guidance in the matter. “Take care that this liberty of
yours does not somehow become a stumbling block to the weak,” Paul wrote
to the church in Corinth (1 Corinthians 8:9).
The Brethren decided, when it came to alcohol, that the person was more
important than the principal in coming to a conclusion. But what do you
think? Which is more important, the principle or the person?
There was another movement in the 1800’s which helped provoke a war. The
issue was slavery. Many were the voices calling for its abolition. Our
friends, the Quakers, were at the forefront. But, again, the Brethren, being
somewhat conservative, were not ones to jump on any bandwagon. Of course,
Brethren did not believe in holding slaves. Upon joining the church, new
brethren were required to free their slaves. That was a principle they lived
by. The general agreement on this issue prevented our church from splitting
into northern and southern factions during the civil war, unlike many other
denominations - that and our belief that a Christian should not participate
in war.
But it wasn’t just a principle that held us together, it was more personal
than that. A lot of it had to do with a man who criss‑crossed the battle
lines between north and south to keep lines of communication open among the
Brethren. As a medical Doctor, he ministered to wounded on both sides.
Perhaps you recognize the story of John Kline, who finally was shot, as he
traveled, by confederate soldiers who considered this Virginian a traitor.
What is most important: a principle or a person? I had to ask myself that
question back when I was in Brethren Volunteer Service.
Fresh out of college, I went to work on a peace education team, what
was called a “peace caravan,” touring the Midwest, talking with Brethren,
Mennonite and Quaker youth and adults about our common peace witness. In the
course of that year I got to know a great many people in the wider "peace"
Somehow, in the course of that year, it was discovered in Chicago that
several defense contractors were planning to hold an arms bazaar near O’Hare
airport. They called it “Defense Technology ‘79,” and invited
representatives from third‑world nations to come and see and buy the latest
hardware for their militaries. I became involved in planning a protest of
the affair, representing our three denominations.
This question came to my mind a lot -
What is most important: principles or people? Certainly, there were
many folks in the peace movement in Chicago with whom I just did not agree.
Many operated out of theologies or philosophies very different from my own.
Some were very “un”‑peaceful in how they acted and lived. Others were
burdened with deep scars. I can still see one Vietnam veteran’s face, who
was filled with an inner rage, as he sought to prevent war.
The bazaar took place in January, and three of us decided to camp out in the
parking lot of the convention center as a 24-hour-a-day witness. I wrestled
with that decision. I was not comfortable with many of the protest methods
others were planning. Perhaps, like a good Brethren, I felt funny about
jumping onto political bandwagons. The three of us were Christians, though.
One was there, he said, to witness for Jesus Christ, the Prince of Peace.
The other wanted to represent the poor people in the third world whose
governments would spend money there on weapons and not food. I, well, when I
finally decided, I was there with a concern for the people involved: the
protesters, the police, the participants in the arms bazaar.
As far as I was concerned, some of the best witnessing happened around our
campfire in that frigid January weather. The police thought we were nuts but
they came and talked, though they never left the warmth of their car. In the
process, we became friends. People just dropped by, like one fellow who
wasn’t sure why he was there. We discussed convictions, and also, unplanned,
we spoke about Jesus ‑ and then he knew why he came. It was an experience I
won’t forget.
But even now, I still ask the question. What is most important: a principle
or a person? Convictions, the things we believe - that which we live by -
these are important. I believe very strongly that war is a sin, no matter
what righteous reasons are given to justify it. This is a principle by which
I live. It has been the position of our denomination. But this conviction
rests not on its intrinsic value as a philosophy, its ability to stand alone
and be judged on its own merits. No, this principle rests in, it depends
upon, it finds its truth in a person - Jesus of Nazareth. The One who is
called the Prince of Peace.
So then, what is most important: a principle or a person? I must answer that
ultimately it is a person. When the apostle Paul wrote to the followers of
Jesus in Corinth, he essentially said as much. Now, the issue in that
instance was not alcohol, nor slavery, nor war and peace. But the guidance
given by Paul applies beyond the issue with which those folks were
struggling. Whether or not to eat food that had been offered to idols was a
burning concern for Christians in first century Corinth, to be sure.
However, we have a hard time catching what their problem was, as we stand
here in twenty first century Baltimore.
To the folks in Corinth who knew the truth, and the truth had set them free,
Paul sent a reminder that the truth is not just a principle, a basic
philosophy by which to live. Unless our knowledge of truth is grounded in a
personal understanding of God’s love, it merely inflates the ego. By this I
mean that the truth is not just a principle, or a set of convictions. It is
centered in a person. “We know,” wrote Paul, “that there is but
one God from whom everything comes, and for whom we live ‑ in whom lies our
destiny; We know this Jesus Christ, through whom everything exists, and
through whom we ourselves are alive.” (1
Corinthians 8:6)
“You shall know the truth,” Jesus had said, “and the truth shall
set you free.” (John 8:32) The
truth is not just a principle, or a set of convictions - the truth is a
person. “I am the way, and the
truth, and the life,” he said
(John 14:6). Because it is
centered in Jesus Christ, this truth by which we live becomes personal all
the way around. When it comes to loving one’s enemy, as Jesus called us to
do, this love is not an abstract notion. It is a guiding principle that is
really a person. Thus, when our convictions are grounded in this love of God
in Jesus Christ, we are empowered to see those who oppose us in a whole
different light. In fact, we see ourselves differently, also.
Now, I'm not just talking about enemies “over there.” I speak also of the
growing conflict between opposing camps “over here.” It’s very important
that we keep our principles in perspective. How can we do that? As a
follower of Jesus, I place him ahead of my principles. In this way the door
is opened to the possibility of living in peace with my neighbors, near or
far, friend or foe. Face it, I am not all that peaceful a person. If the
principles by which I live are not centered in Jesus there’s no way I could
ever even listen to someone with whom I disagree.
But because my principles are centered in a person, because my convictions
are personal, and by that I don’t mean private, but rather based in a
relationship that keeps me humble, that daily reminds me of who I am as a
human being created by God, and who others are - also human beings created
by God; because my principles are personal, because of this powerful
relationship, a door is open for me to treat even a bully with dignity and
respect, and care about his or her well‑being.
It is good to have principles, to live by deeply held convictions. Without
them we would be lost. Our society is in need of people of conviction. Even
so, it is the tendency of principles to puff us up with self‑importance,
such that we place our convictions above everything else, as well as
everyone else. Without love, our principles are just hot air. “Love
builds up,” said the apostle Paul - something we need to remember every
So, let me ask you one last time, what is most important
to you: a principle or a person?
©2015 (revised and reused from 8/18/02
(you are welcome to borrow and, where / as appropriate, note
the source - myself or those from whom I have knowingly borrowed.)