“Hallow” Message preached on
November 5, 2017
I love this word picture from the
last book of the Bible, because it connects the dots of our fractured
humanity. Here is “a
great multitude from every nation, from all tribes, peoples, languages…”
At the end of all things, which but the beginning of a new journey, we are
not divided in all the ways we have used over all the years to separate
ourselves from others. In God’s new heaven and new earth, lines on a map,
genealogy diagrams, skin colors, language barriers do not prevent us from
standing with one another. All these divisions ultimately matter little in
God’s eyes. The walls humanity has construction are hollow and these
hallowed ones cry out in love and praise to our Creator.
Yes, I said “hallowed ones.” On
Tuesday, children dressed up to trick or trick. It wasn’t long ago that
some Christian folks made a big deal about Halloween being the devil’s
work, and that we shouldn’t let our children be corrupted by it. To which
I say, “malarkey.” So what if the ancient Druids celebrated something they
called Samhain to deal with
their yearly fear of days growing shorter. Followers of Jesus, like St.
Patrick, came and shared good news, and this festival shifted into
laughing at what scares us, giggling at the devil, even – for ultimately
evil has no power over God, nor over those who are sheltered by the Lamb
who was slain, and who rose from death.
belongs to our God who is seated on the throne, and to the Lamb!”
That’s what the “hallowed ones” cry in St. John’s vision, here at the end
of the Bible. Their song is not a hollow one. It rings true. We laugh at
the hollowness of evil on “All Hallows eve,” also known as “Halloween.”
What follows is “All Hallows Day,” also known as “All Saints Day.” By the
way, we know this word, “hallow.” Every time we dig into the familiar
words Jesus taught, we pray “Our
Father, who art in heaven, hallowed
be thy name…”
Hallow, holy, sacred – the
deepest ground of our being, the highest of heights, that which is beyond
our ability to comprehend - yet most intimate, almost touchable. Like a
unconsumed burning bush which Moses beheld with bare feet. Remember that
story? Like Jacob’s dream of a ladder between heaven and earth. Remember?
Like the chariot of fire Elisha saw, carrying his mentor, Elijah, home.
Remember? Like the sheet that St. Peter saw descend before him on a
rooftop filled with unclean things which a voice said, “Take and eat,”
thus shifting this apostle’s life mission to include more than he ever
thought possible. Remember? Like the blazing light which blinded the angry
Saul and transformed him into St. Paul. Remember?
Hallow, holy, sacred… Hallowed ones, those touched by God most
high… Saints… Wednesday, the first day of November – in the Christian
calendar, is known as All Saints (or all hallows) Day. Now, this day is
not exactly high up on our list as Brethren. It’s a bit too high church.
For our Catholic friends, it’s one of their high and holy days. Of course,
in their calendar are all sorts of festivals for this saint or that. These
are these officially recognized holy ones, canonized, having met a
rigorous test of miracles here and mission there and, in some cases,
martyrdom. All Saints Day pulls them all together in the imagination of
the faithful.
As I said, however, Brethren are not big on this. but maybe we need
to pause and pay attention to these hallowed ones on this Sunday after All
Saints Day. Now, I’m not really thinking of the official list of Saints –
though these are important for us in our present journey. I’m thinking of
all the saints, God’s
hallowed ones, who have gone before us. It’s good to remember and derive
strength from their journey. For their stories are not hollow.
Hallow, hollow… Last week, I underwent a bone biopsy on my left
femur – just below my hip. Afterward, the doctor mentioned how, when he
drilled into the bone, it seemed like it was hollow inside, which he
wasn’t expecting. I wasn’t sure what to make of that. It was a good thing,
maybe, that he didn’t go into my skull. There are days I think that might
be empty, also. Anyway, this word, “hollow,” has been part of my journey
this past week. What does it mean? How do I walk with it, literally? I
need God’s saints around me, not just the dead (who inspire), but the
Indeed, in a way we are all
saints – you, me. Not perfect, tho’ in the process of being perfected. Not
holier than anyone else, just touched by God. Not blessed more than
others, but blessed in our own ways: in the poverty of our spirit; in our
mourning; in our meekness, and our hungering and thirsting for what is
right; as we extend to others the mercy we’ve found in Christ Jesus; as
our hearts beat for more than our own selfish desires; as we try to make
peace; even when we face rejection or hatred, sometimes physically, just
because we seek to follow Jesus, to love as he loved… In a way we are all
saints – here on earth. And there are saints who walked this path before
us, who are now in that “great multitude no one can count, from every nation, tribe, people,
language.” As I face the living of my days, uncertain as they now may
be, I need the example of the saints who have gone before me, and I need
the support of the saints around me. We all do. I no more or less than
What I would like us to do now is to recognize some of the saints
who have walked the walk of faith before us; to be inspired, if only by a
name that helps us remember. For the light of Christ shines through them
to us today. I need 5 volunteers, persons who can write legibly so all can
read (not some doctor’s script, sorry Dave). Please stand at the windows.
On the ledge are some crayons that write on glass. As the names flow from
us, you will write legibly (as you are directed) the names we say. Try to
use as much of the windows as possible i.e. don’t write everything on one
single pane. Understand?
To prime the pump, let’s think of the early saints, persons like
St. John, who wrote the book of Revelation. ____, write “John the
revealer.” Then there are, of course,
(point to window writers)
St. Matthew, St. Mark, St. Luke, and St. John who wrote the Gospels.
Within those gospels we hear of the many disciples. ____, write “the
twelve,” along with
St. Mary, the mother of Jesus, Mary and Martha and their brother Lazarus,
Mary Magdalene. We need to include St. Peter as well as St. Paul, the two
big names of the early church. What other saints do you remember from the
New Testament….
Now, we may not be able to list many of the saints of earlier days,
but let’s try. We may be able to think of more than we realize. Anyone?
St. Augustine. St. Benedict. St. Francis of Assisi. The words to our
prayer song earlier came from St. Teresa. I’ve already mentioned St.
Patrick. Can you think of others?
Turning to the time of
Reformation, of which this is the 500th anniversary year, the
is Martin Luther and John Calvin. From the radical reformation and our
branch of the story comes Menno Simons, Conrad Grebel, and Felix Mantz.
From England comes George Fox and William Penn of the Quakers. Of our
Brethren forebearers, I think of Alexander Mack, Christopher Sower, John
Kline (who, on his horse, Nell, held the Brethren together during the
Civil War). In this century, I think of Dan West (Heifer Project), M.R.
Zigler, and Anna Mow. In the larger church are Martin Luther King jr.,
C.S. Lewis, Mother Teresa, John XXIII (who led the reformation of the
Catholic church thru Vatican II, theologian
Karl Barth, Dietrich Bonhoeffer.
Can you think of others?
Now, all of these saints who have preceded us are only names to
most gathered here. Let’s turn to those we have laid to rest since the
year 2000, starting with the most recent: 2017: Belinda Eichhorn, Margaret
Bayless, Bruce Hedrick. Are there more from this year beyond our
fellowship you want us to remember? 2016: Jane Propst, Zermain
Breidenbaugh… 2015: Mark Breidenbaugh, Bill Albright, Chris Tipton… 2014
???... 2013: Mary Reed, Mary Stephen… 2012: Don Dorman, Wilbur Gosnell,
Carl Palmer, Israel Rosas… 2011: Lois Webb… 2010: Ida Mae Tombaugh,
Charles Barringer … 2009:
Lew Breidenbaugh… 2008: Edna Barringer, Margaret Currens, Leon Kagarise…
2007: Terry Gervais… 2006: Gayle Lane, Chris Breidenbaugh… 2005: Paul
Smith… 2004: Betty Tracey, Jo Currens… 2003: Richard Tracey… 2002: Boots
Reichart, Verlin Tombaugh, Bea Currens… 2001: John Propst… 2000: ???...
That takes us back to the start
of the millennium. If you want to include a loved “hallowed one” who
entered their rest before this, please speak their name now, so our
scribes might write it….. (leave time for this)…. We will leave the
crayons on the window sills if you wish to personally write a name later
this morning…
On these windows around us are a small portion of the “great
multitude from every nation, from all tribes, peoples, languages…”
mentioned in the last book of the Bible. These have been called the
“saints triumphant,” who surround the throne of God in heaven, however we
may picture it. We, sisters and brothers, are the “saints militant.” We
still walk the walk of faith in the here and now. May we be blessed by
their witness for the living of these days.
As it says in the book of Hebrews, “since
we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us also lay aside
every weight and the sin that clings so closely, and let us run with
perseverance the race that is set before us, looking to Jesus the pioneer
and perfecter of our faith, who for the sake of the joy that was set
before him endured the cross, disregarding its shame, and has taken his
seat at the right hand of the throne of God”
“Salvation belongs to our God who is
seated on the throne, and to the Lamb!”
Our final hymn awaits. It is long and taxing, as is the race of
faith. The middle verses get quieter, with voices breaking into harmony,
for they speak of darker moments. But then comes the dawn. Shall we rise
and sing “For all the saints,” #636 ©2017
L. Haynes |