(list growing little by little as I work on specific texts)

Commentaries   ( see an Anabaptist perspective on commentary )


Anderson, A.A., Psalms (New Century Bible Commentary), ©1972, Wm. B. Eerdmans Pub. Co.
Mays, James L., Psalms (Interpretation Commentary), ©1994, John Knox Press.
Weiser, Artur, The Psalms (Old Testament Library), ©1962, Westminster Press.


Craddock, Fred B., Luke (Interpretation Commentary), ©1990, John Knox Press.
Fitzmyer, Joseph A., The Gospel According to Luke (Anchor Bible), ©1985, Doubleday & Co.
Schweizer, Eduard, The Good News According to Luke, ©1984, John Knox Press.

Acts of the Apostles

Bruce, F.F. Bruce, The Book of the Acts (New International Commentary - NICNT),
                                     ©1956, Wm. B. Eerdmans Pub. Co.
Haenchen, Ernst, The Acts of the Apostles,  ©1971 (rev. ed.), Westminster Press.
Willimon, William H., Acts (Interpretation Commentary), ©1988, John Knox Press.

                                other resources:

Bontrager, G. Edwin, & Showalter, Nathan D., It Can Happen Today: Principles of
                                                 Church Growth from the Book of Acts
,  ©1986, Herald Press.

Revelation                       (my favorites - Peterson, who opened my eyes, & Eller)

Beasley-Murrary, G.R., Revelation (New Century Bible Commentary), ©1974, Wm. B. Eerdmans Pub. Co.
Caird, G.B., The Revelation of John (Black's NT Commentary), ©1966, Hendrickson Publishers.
Eller, Vernard, The Most Revealing Book of the Bible: Making Sense Out of Revelation,
                                ©1974, Wm. B. Eerdmans Pub. Co. (NOW ONLINE)
Ladd, George Eldon, A Commentary on the Revelation of John, ©1972, Wm. B. Eerdmans Pub. Co.
Lindsey, Hal, There's a New World Coming, ©1973, Bantam Books. (how not to do exegesis!)
Martin, Harold S., Glimpses from the Book of Revelation, ©1981, The Brethren Press.
Peterson, Eugene, Reversed Thunder: The Revelation of John and the Praying Imagination, ©1988, Harper & Row.

                                other resources:

The Apocalypse of John - Resources for Study & Appreciation, by Dr. Loren L. Johns (AMBS)