Christ who left his home in glory

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Christ who left his home in glory, 
and upon the cross was slain, 
now is ris'n! O tell the story 
that the Savior lives again. 

                Hail                 him!   Hail                 him!

                Hail to the king, the    might-y re-deem-er! 
                Tell                           the   sto     -      ry.
                Hail him who robbed the grave of its pow'r!
                Hail!             all       hail!    Je-sus lives for-ev-er-more.
                Tell ev'ry na-tion, all is well, Je-sus lives  for-ev-er-more. 

While the world in peace was sleeping, 
early on that Easter day, 
came the faithful women, weeping, 
but the stone was rolled away. 

Christ, our loving mediator, 
now with God for you and me 
intercedes, and our creator 
hears and answers every plea.

#283 in Hymnal: A Worship Book

Words:  Abram B. Kolb, 1896, Church and Sunday School Hymnal, 1902
   Tune:  Abram B. Kolb, 1896, Church and Sunday School Hymnal, 1902

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