O Gott Vater
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O Gott Va-ter, wir lo-ben dich, und dei-ne Gü-te prei-sen: Die du, O Herr, so gnä-dig-lich, an uns neu hast be-wie-sen, und hast uns, Herr, zu-sam-men g'führt, uns zu er-mah-nen durch dein Wort, gib uns Ge-nad zu die-sem.
Words: Leenaerdt Clock, Ausbund, 17th c. Tune: based on the notations of J.W. Yoder in Amische Lieder, 1940 and Olen F. Yoder in Ausbund Songs with Notes, 1984. Adapted to current singing east of Goshen, IN, by Mary K. Yoder.
"This, the second hymn of every Amish service, is a hymn based on the melody (Aus Tiefer Not), 1525. It has the distinction of being the hymn which has been sung continuously longer than any other. From place to place where it is sung, there will be many regional differences heard. The characteristics which seem to be common and which can be learned by persons who are not of Amish background are these: (1) it is to be sung very, very slowly, (2) it is to be sung in an ornamented style, and (3) even syllables of text which are given only one pitch are long and must be followed by a breath. A Vorsänger sings the first word of each phrase (each line above), and then the rest of the congregation joins. The singing is in unison, though singers do not need to feel any urgency to land on the next pitch with everyone else, and they do have the freedom to add other pitches and turns and twists along the way. Singing in this style is best learned aurally." (from Hymnal Accompaniment Book, ©1993, Brethren Press, p. 18)
[The notes upon which each syllable of text begins - according to the arrangement in the Hymnal - are slightly louder on the midi file.]
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