I'll praise my Maker

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I'll praise my Maker with my breath, 
and when my voice is lost in death,
praise shall employ my nobler powers. 
My days of praise shall never be past, 
while life, and thought, and being last, 
or immortality endures. 

Happy are they whose hopes rely 
on Israel's God who made the sky, 
and earth, and seas, with all their train; 
whose truth forever stands secure, 
who saves the oppressed, and feeds the poor, 
and none shall find God's promise vain. 

The Lord pours eyesight on the blind, 
the Lord supports the fainting mind
and sends the laboring conscience peace. 
God helps the stranger in distress,
the widow and the fatherless: 
and grants the prisoner sweet release. 

I'll praise my God who lends me breath,
and when my voice is lost in death,
praise shall employ my nobler powers. 
My days of praise shall never be past, 
while life, and thought, and being last, 
or immortality endures. 

#166 in Hymnal: A Worship Book

Words:  Isaac Watts, Psalms of David, 1719, alt.
   Tune:  Lowell Mason, The Choir, or Union Collection of Church Music, 1832

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