The Gift - Holy Joy

Day Two - evening drama

                Characters:     1 - George - a boy camper
                                      2 - Chara (pronounced "care-ah") - a girl camper
                                      3 - Chris - can be either boy or girl

Junior Camp Theme/Goals for Day

Scriptures for Day

                Setting: An "all group" session is about to begin and 1 & 2 just happen to be sitting next to each other. Part-way through their conversation, 3 comes and joins them. In actuality, this is also the evening (second day) all-camp gathering of the "real" week of camp, of which this is the first "thing." Depending on where this gathering takes place, a gift-wrapped box is hanging from a rafter or a tree. As this dialogue will take place every evening, the gift box needs to either shift locations or there needs to be a box in every location where this might take place (pavilion, campfire, other meeting place).
                Preface with reading of 1 Corinthians 12:12-13 (both to set the theme and to quiet the group)

1 - Hey, Chara. ‘Sup?  (or the current - "WHAAZZZUPP?)

2 - Excuse me?

1 - ‘Sup?

2 - What’s that supposed to mean?

1 - It means "what’s up?"

2 - Oh, why didn’t you say that, then?

1 - I did. ‘Sup?

2 - The sky.

1 - Funny! How’d the day go?

2 - Okay, I guess. You?

1 - I like it here. The guys in my cabin are cool. So are most of the girls in my K-group.
                                                                (or whatever name the smaller mixed camp groups are called)

2 - You don’t like some of them?

1 - Well, you know girls!

2 - Yeah, I should hope so! I am one, you dimwit.

1 - Sorry. It’s just that a few of the girls in our group have an "attitude."

2 - Guys don’t have "attitudes"?

1 - I suppose so, but not in our group ... that I can see.

2 - I know some guys with ‘attitude."

1 - You know what I mean.

2 - Unfortunately, I do. We’ve got a few with "attitude" in our group, too. In fact, I’m sort of feeling left out.

1 - Bummer.

2 - Excuse me?

1 - Bummer. It means, "that’s too bad."
                (As they’re talking 3 comes over and sits down next to 1 & 2, but doesn’t join in the conversation
                     until later. In the meantime, 3 is watching other happenings, but listening in.)

2 - Do you need to take a course in English?

1 - Do you have an "attitude?"

2 - I probably do, I guess. Maybe that’s why I’m not fitting in.

1 - Don’t be so hard on yourself. I don’t know you very well, but you seem an okay person.

2 - Just "okay?"

1 - Isn’t it okay to be "okay?"

2 - I guess.


1 - You didn’t want to tell me about your name last night. Where did "Chara" come from?

3 - Yeah, "inquiring minds want to know!"

2 - Why, look, it’s the "diaper man/woman" (depends on if Chris is male or female)

3 - Hey, she’s got a sense of humor.

1 - Hi, Chris. ‘Sup?  (or the current - "WHAAZZZUPP?)

3 - Not much. You?

1 - Eh...! (gives a shrug)

2 - Do I need a translator here?

3 - Huh?

1 - No. But maybe you could translate your name. What is it?

2 - If you must know, it means "joy."

3 - You don’t sound very joyful as you say that.

2 - Well, I’ve never liked it. I’ve always wished my parents had chosen a different name.

1 - How about plain, old "Joy."

2 - How about we change your name to "George of Jungle!"

3 - Sounds like she’s got an "attitude."

1 - Maybe so.

2 - Thanks for being so understanding!

1 - Well, I like your name. It’s got class!

3 - Yeah, me too! I like stuff that’s different. Me, I’ve got a name that can fit anybody. With the name Chris, I could be a guy or a girl.

1 - There are a lot of Chris’s in my school.

3 - It would be nice to have a name that was just mine - no one else’s.

2 - Never thought of it that way before.

1 - Reminds me of that gift box. __(leader’s name)___ said last night that each one of us has a "gift" that is unique to us, something special. What do you suppose that means?

2 - Haven’t a clue.

3 - Guess we’ll find out.

1 - Maybe they’ll say more tonight.

2 - Oh, please, I don’t want to think about "tonight."

3 - What about tonight?

2 - About a few moments from now.

1 - Huh?

2 - I was asked to read from the Bible in front everyone tonight.

3 - That’s a problem?

2 - In front of everyone? Yes, it is!

3 - Why?

1 - I’d find that hard, too.

3 - You not very good at reading?

2 - That’s not the problem. I’m a good reader, even out loud.

3 - So?

1 - It’s the reading in front of everyone.

2 - That, and it being the Bible I’m reading from.

3 - So?

1 - She’s shy, like me.

2 - Yes, but... it’s also that I don’t feel I’m good enough to read the Bible for everyone.

1 - Good enough?

2 - Well, the Bible is supposed to be God’s message.

3 - Yeah, and?

2 - When I read it for others, I’m like God’s "messenger."

1 - "Chara, God’s messenger." (1 & 3 clown around with "religious" sounding voices)

3 - "The chosen one."

1 - "Called by God."

3 - "God’s favorite."

2 - All right, you guys. You’ve had your fun! But, you know, reading the Bible is serious stuff.

1 - Because it’s the "Holy" Bible?

2 - Well, yes. And I don’t feel very "Holy."

3 - What would make you feel "Holy?"

2 - I don’t know.

1 - Bummer.

2 - For once I understand what you mean. It is a "bummer."

3 - You still going to do it - read the Bible in front of everyone?

2 - Do I have a choice? I said I’d do it, and I’m not someone who goes back on her word.

1 - Okay, then, go for it! You’ll do just fine.

3 - Put some "joy" into it.

2 - Funny!

3 - I wasn’t trying to be funny.

1 - Shh! It’s beginning.

                At this point the leader begins, and the line between drama and reality blurs. This becomes the actual day two evening all-camp gathering, perhaps vespers or campfire or.... Somewhere amid the singing etc., the leader calls on "2" (Chara) to read Isaiah 6:1-8 - as if she were a camper in this week. The person playing Chara reads "in character," a good reader, though nervous for the above shared reasons (which fits in with Isaiah’s own "nervousness" in the scripture text). An appropriate follow-up song might be "Here I am Lord" (by Dan Schutte, Come Join the Circle songbook, p. 10).

                The leader(s) then set the day’s theme "God’s Holy People." Here are some suggestions for doing this. On newsprint, have the campers brainstorm on the word "Holy." What does it mean to be "Holy?" 1 & 3 above jokingly started the process. Begin with the camper’s understandings (both negative and positive). Somewhere along the line, bring in concepts (make sure wording is age-appropriate) like "different," "set aside for something special," "made holy" (i.e. not achieved), "functional holiness" (e.g. Isaiah had a task to accomplish - his lips were made holy because he was to become God’s mouthpiece). Perhaps the devotional part of that day’s staff meeting beforehand can involve similar brainstorming, so that counselors are ready to jump in with ideas to add to the campers’. In other words, prime the pump.

                Shift to wondering how we (not just "me") are "God’s holy people." You don’t have answer the question, just start the pondering, helping campers to insert themselves in the picture. Somewhere in the process, again draw attention to the gift box hanging from a rafter or a tree. By the way, "gift" might be another brainstorm word for "Holy" (think about it!). God’s holy people - God’s gift? For whom? Repeat the thought (again, however, not going into depth - just plant the seed) that each person here has a special gift from God. Leave it open-ended. Leave them wondering what is in the box. Add prayer and more singing. Worship!

              [Pete’s further ponderings on "holiness" - Is it more a matter of "being" rather than "doing?" The Bible’s holiness codes in themselves don’t make us holy, rather they serve to separate us from the mundane/profane, such that we might dwell in the awesome holiness of God. We cannot make ourselves holy. Isaiah's lips were touched by holiness. The Ephesian church (2:11-22) was "brought near" by God’s action and not their own.... Holiness involves confession. Not really "I am scum of the earth" variety, though, but rather a letting go, a releasing of that which blocks our standing (being) in God’s presence. How do we help children understand such confession? Maybe by thinking about the things that stand in the way of their other relationships?]

            ©2000, Pete Haynes for Shepherd’s Spring OMC and Camp Mardela, Mid-Atlantic District Church of the Brethren (Outdoor Ministries), to be used with "God’s People - Many Gifts" rev. ed., ©1999, Geneva Press), part of the Sow Seeds ... Trust the Promise series. Permission granted to adapt and reword to fit the needs of your camp. Just list the original source.

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this page was last updated 07/17/01