Opening Prayer
Lord, we may be scattered this day, each in his or her home, shut
in by the weather. However, no matter where we are, you cannot be
shut out. Thank you for your presence through every storm in life.
It is from you that the wind blows. It is your hand we see in the
snow that falls. Remind us of the drought last year, and how the
land was thirsty for the moisture that today's storm
provides. Help us to use this time wisely, not to grow stir-crazy
with cabin fever, not to "veg out" in front of the
television, but to appreciate the blessings of family (if we are
so blessed), or to appreciate your nearness as we explore your
Word and come to you in prayer.
Forgive our wandering, O Lord: our wasting of this precious time,
our frustration with one another, our doubt and fear through the
various storms we face in life, and all our sins - those we've
willfully committed or absent-mindedly done, as well as those
steps we should have undertaken but did not. You are gracious and
loving, far more than we deserve. Thank you.
Now guide the worship of this people, even as we are not gathered
in one place, but are scattered across the area. Our unity is not
found in our geographic location but rather in your Son, our Lord,
Savior, and friend, Jesus Christ. It is in his name, empowered by
your Holy Spirit, that we pray. Amen.