Worship Order for Sunday

Long Green Valley Church of the Brethren
Long Green & Kanes Rds., near Glen Arm, Md.
September 7, 2003
Worship 10:00 am Sunday School for all ages 11:15 am

Christian Education Sunday

      "The Lord GOD has given me the tongue of a teacher, that I may know how to sustain the weary with a word. Morning by morning he wakens-- wakens my ear to listen as those who are taught."    (Isaiah 50:4)

  Morning Praise (9:45 am)

  Call to Worship                         Psalm 19:1-6

*Hymn                          "All beautiful the march of days"                              159

*Opening Prayer

  Responsive Scripture Reading                                                                   813

  Celebrating and Dedicating our Christian Education Ministry
                  - With our Children
                  - With our Teachers

  Hymn                           "O Lord, thy benediction give"
                         (children leave for choir practice or pre-school play as we sing)

  Sharing a joy, a concern, a word of testimony or praise

  Call to Prayer            (refrain to:) "Great is thy faithfulness"                          327

  Pastoral Prayer

  Scripture                                   James 3:1-12

  Returning our Tithes and Offerings


*Response                  (refrain to:) "Great is thy faithfulness"                          327


  Scripture                                  Isaiah 50:4-9a

  Message                       "The tongue of a teacher"

*Hymn                                "O little children, gather"                                   489


#'s are from Hymnal: A Worship Book

Worship leaders - see basic guidelines

Opening Prayer

         Grant, O God, that thinking, we may think your thoughts; that speaking, we may speak your word; that singing, we may sing to your praise; that hearing, we may hear your truth; and that willing, we may make your will our own, so that walking forward at the end of our worship, we may walk in your love and your peace, and departing from one another, not depart from you. Through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

by Roy Pearson (adapted)
from Hear Our Prayer
©1961, McGraw-Hill, Inc.
in For all Who Minister, p. 85

Responsive Scripture Reading
(Psalm 19:7-11)

The law of the Lord is perfect,
         reviving the soul;
the decrees of the Lord are sure,
         making wise the simple;

the precepts of the Lord are right,
         rejoicing the heart;
the commandment of the Lord is clear,
         enlightening the eyes;

the fear of the Lord is pure,
         enduring forever;
the ordinances of the Lord are true
         and righteous altogether.

More to be desired are they than gold,
         even much fine gold;
sweeter also than honey,
         and drippings of the honeycomb.

Moreover by them is your servant warned;
         in keeping them there is great reward.

(Hymnal #813)

Celebrating and Dedicating
our Christian Education Ministry

                  - With Our Children (Pastor Pete)

         I need to read some words from the Bible right now, but I’m lost. I don’t know where to look. Can one of you help me find these words? I know that they are in a book called Deuteronomy. Where is that? There it is! Thank you for helping me. Oh, dear, that’s not the page with the words I want. I think I’m looking for ... the seventh... no, the fifth... no, I think it was the sixth chapter of the book of Deuteronomy. Where is that? Do any of you know how to find that? You are such a big help! How would I do this without you? Now, I think I’m looking for the fourth verse of that chapter. Can you find the fourth verse? Excellent! Hey, that wasn’t very hard, was it?!
         Knowing how and where to look for things in the Bible is pretty important. That is one of the things your teachers help you with in Sunday School. You were able to help me just now because someone has already helped you - and you all are such good learners. Of course, Sunday School involves more than just knowing how and where to look for "stuff" in the Bible. But that is an important foundation for all the other things you will learn.
         It is our hope and prayer that you will explore what God says in this book - like adventurers who head out into the wilderness to discover new worlds, to climb mountains, to cross mighty rivers. You see, this is an exciting resource that God has given us. And your Sunday School teachers are ready to head out with you to explore it, to journey with you on that fantastic adventure called "faith." Are you ready to go? A whole new year of Sunday School starts this morning.
         Oh, yes, about those words I wanted to find in the book of Deuteronomy - I need some more help. Would one of you like to read these words out loud, so that everyone might be able to hear them? Thank you for volunteering. Please read verses 4-9, can you find them? Good! Here is a microphone. Now, after you finish, I want you all to sit quietly with me and listen while some people from the Sunday School committee speak. Can you do that? Great. Okay, let’s listen to what God has to say.

(A child then reads Deuteronomy 6:4-9)


                  - With our teachers (2 members of the SS committee)

         Those words from Deuteronomy are important to us all. Jesus himself repeated them. The responsibility for growing in the faith lies upon each one of us. Nobody learns for us. Growth comes as we allow God to speak to us every day - as we talk, as we walk, as we lie down, as we rise. We grow as we allow God’s Word to enfold us and mold us to be the glasses through which we see our world, to be the foundation upon which we build our lives.
         This is the goal of Christian Education - that each of us might discover God at work in us, and grow continually in His grace and truth until that day when this earthly adventure of faith ends, and an even greater adventure begins.

         We have called certain individuals to the great task of teaching. The names I will read have said "yes" to teaching for the next three months. That’s how we organize the tasks here - so that many persons will have the opportunity to teach for shorter amounts of time. As your name is read, please stand.
         With the three and four-year-old preschoolers - ______ ________
         With those in Kindergarten through the second grade - ______ ________
         With the bigger kids in grades three through five - ______ ________
         With the Middle School Youth - ______ ________
         With the Senior High Youth - ______ ________
         With the adults in the "Good Ground" class - ______ ________
         With the International lesson adult class - ______ ________
                  (He’s the September teacher - others who have agreed to help
                           lead this team-taught class, would you also stand?)
         With those exploring the possibility of church membership - Pastor Pere

To all of you who have said "yes, I will teach,"
         Will you endeavor with God’s help, to faithfully fulfill the responsibility to which you are called, studying the Bible lesson ahead of time each week, listening for God to speak through it and through your daily devotions, preparing thoroughly for the journey upon which you are leading others, and being here on Sunday - prompt and ready?
                                    If so, say "With God’s help, I will."

         Will you seek to lead these growing persons - the young and the not-so-young - who are entrusted into your care, that they might discover the Good News that the Lord has for each one of them, and that together we might become all that God created us to be?
                                    If so, say "With God’s help, I will."

To all of you who are ready for the adventure of being a learner,
                                             no matter what age you are.
                           If you plan on attending Sunday School, would you stand.
         As a child of God, will you strive to discover more about what the Lord might be doing with you, in you, and through you, by faithfully listening to God in your Bible, by keeping this Word in your heart and allowing it to affect how you think and what you do, by praying every day, and by coming to church on Sunday and joining in this Sunday School adventure of faith?
                                    If so, say "With God’s help, I will."
                  Let’s pray,

         Lord, today is special. We stand on the frontier of a whole new year of learning. Help us to follow the "pioneer of our salvation," Jesus Christ. Walk with us, as you have promised, through your Holy Spirit - giving us strength for the journey. May your Word be our daily bread.
         Bless the adventure. Bless those who point the way, our teachers. Bless those who step out in faith, the learners. This we pray in Jesus’ name. Amen.


(Pastor Pete:)
         Okay, kids, first things first. ______ is ready to teach most of you some songs to sing along the way, and in other ways to prepare you for the adventure. Those of you in pre-school, however, _____ and _____ are ready to go with you for your special time.

"O Lord, thy benediction give"
(to tune of  Doxology, #119)

O Lord, thy benediction give
On all who teach on all who learn,
So that Thy Church may holier live,
And every lamp more brightly burn.

Give those that teach pure hearts of love - 
Hearts filled with faith and warmed by prayer;
And souls attuned to thee above,
That they may guide thy people there.

Give those that learn the willing ear,
The spirit meek, the guileless mind.
Such gifts will make the lowliest here
Far better than a kingdom find.

O bless the shepherd, bless the sheep,
That guide and guided both be one,
One in the faithful watch they keep,
One in the joy of work well done.

words by John Armstrong
(From 1951 Brethren Hymnal, #529)

Pastoral Prayer


written closer to the time (if not at the moment)


Returning our Tithes and Offerings

         It’s very tempting to think that all we have to do, when it comes to our relationship with God, is put some money in the offering plate. You and I know, however, that while money can purchase a lot of "things," it can’t buy us love. A relationship, with God or with each other, requires so much more. The good news is that what we have to share has already been lavished upon us - free of charge. On the other hand, though, this relationship demands every aspect of our lives. Even, as James clearly reveals, our "tongue."
         Can you offer God your "tongue" this morning? That is, can you give to God the will behind the words you speak? Are you willing to allow your relationship with God to guide what you say and how you say it? Everyday? Ponder this as the plates are passed. Ushers?

Prayer (after Offering)

         Cleanse my tongue, O Lord. I offer it to you. May this relationship with you have dominion over me. Then I shall be able to speak the truth in love. May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be pleasing in your sight, O LORD, my strength and my Redeemer. Amen.

(based upon Psalm 19:12-14)


May the God of steadfastness and encouragement
                  grant you to live in harmony with one another,
                  in accordance with Christ Jesus,
         so that together you may with one voice
                  glorify the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Hymnal #774, Romans 15:5-6 adapted


Interested in Sunday School?
Below is a growing list of possible sites to visit. As you discover others, please let us know.

International Lesson thoughts
from the
Mennonite Publishing House

International Lesson
Commentary by
Richard Hughes
(posted on Saturday)

International Lesson
Commentary by
Edwin Elliott


©2003 Peter L. Haynes
(unless otherwise stated, worship resources were written by him)


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