Worship Order for Sunday

Long Green Valley Church of the Brethren
Long Green & Kanes Rds., near Glen Arm, Md.
July 25, 2004
Worship 10:00 am

      "I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit within you..."       (Ezekiel 36:26a)

  Morning Praise (9:45 am)

*Opening Prayer  (b-3)

*Hymn                                    "Come, thou fount"                                       521

  Scripture                                 Ezekiel 36:22-28

  For Children

  Hymn                                   "Blessed assurance"                                      332
                                              (Pre-schoolers leave for Sunday School)

  Sharing a joy, a concern, a word of testimony or praise

  Responsive Prayer                                                                                   720

  Returning our Tithes and Offerings


  Hymn                             "We give thee but thine own"                               384

  Scripture                                Revelation 21:1-5

  Message                                "Good News....."
                                          brother Norman Bollinger

*Hymn                           "Heart with loving heart united"                              420

*Responsive Benediction                                                         (back of bulletin)

#'s are from Hymnal: A Worship Book

Worship leaders - see basic guidelines

For Children


Responsive Prayer

ALL: Listening God,
               you hear our prayers before we speak,
                     yet welcome our praying;
               therefore we come with confidence
                      to lay our requests before you.

Leader: We pray for Christian everywhere,
                   for our denomination and our congregation,
                   for faithfulness and strength to persevere in righteousness.
             We pray for the whole people of God.

People: Lord, hear our prayer.

Leader: We pray for the nations of the world,
                   for all leaders
                   and for those who make policy decisions.
             We pray for the commonwealth of our global community.

People: Lord, hear our prayer.

Leader: We pray for those who are overcome by violence,
                   for victims of injustice or oppression,
                   and for those in poverty or pain,
             We pray for all who need healing and peace.

People: Lord, hear our prayer.

Leader: We pray for those who endure trials,
                   for those who are dying,
                   and for those who mourn.
             We pray for all who need comfort and hope.

People: Lord, hear our prayer.

Leader: You have heard the prayers of your people, O God.
             We rest in the comfort of your care,
                   as we pray in Jesus' name.


#720, Copyright © 1992 The Hymnal Project

Returning our Tithes and Offerings

         "Like good stewards of the manifold grace of God, serve one another with whatever gift each of you has received. Whoever speaks must do so as one speaking the very words of God; whoever serves must do so with the strength that God supplies, so that God may be glorified in all things through Jesus Christ. To him belong the glory and the power forever and ever. Amen." (1 Peter 4:10-11)


You have come to fullness in Christ.

We are given a promise
of new life, of full life, of life abundant.

You were buried with Christ in baptism.

We know what it means to be dead;
We know that sorrow so deep that it buries you;
We have been under the water when it seems unending;
We have been in the tomb with Christ.

You were raised with Christ through faith in the power of God.

Christ reached out a hand and pulled us clear;
Christ claimed us while we were in the water;
Through the power of God, we have been raised up out of the pit;
And through the power of the Spirit we live in the light.

Continue to live your lives in Christ.

So be it. Amen.

Nadine Pence Frantz, Professor of Theological Studies
Bethany Theological Seminary, Richmond, Indiana

Church of the Brethren Living Word Bulletin
Anchor/Wallace, Sleepy Eye MN 56085, "The Living Word Series"


Interested in Sunday School?
Below is a growing list of possible sites to visit. As you discover others, please let us know.

International Lesson thoughts
from the
Mennonite Publishing House

International Lesson
Commentary by
Richard Hughes
(posted on Saturday)

International Lesson
Commentary by
Edwin Elliott


©2003 Peter L. Haynes
(unless otherwise stated, worship resources were written by him)


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