Worship Order for
Call to
am the Alpha and the Omega,’ says the Lord God, who
is and who was and who is to come, the Almighty."
(Revelation 1:8)
We begin with an
old hymn which for some of us has become connected with this season
of the year. The words go back sixteen hundred years to one
of the first Christian poets, a man named Marcus
Aurelius Clemens Prudentius. Born in
northern Spain in 348, and trained as a lawyer, he rose through the
ranks of the Roman empire. At the age of 57, weary of civic life, he
retired to write poetry. His poems
became some of the most treasured sources of hymnody through the
Middle Ages. This hymn comes from a poem he wrote for the 9th hour
of the day. The tune is not as old, going back "only" five
to eight hundred years ago, a Gregorian chant.
On this last
Sunday of Advent, anticipating our celebration of the birth of
Jesus, as well as his promised return, let’s sing of the One who
is our Alpha and Omega, "begotten ... of the Father’s
adapted from "Hymnuts"
the Fourth Advent Candle
(the family who will light the candles divides up
the reading of the following in their own way)
Today we will
light the candle of love. No other word so completely describes
what we know of our God.
For God so
loved the world that a child was given....God's love in human
We wait
in hope, (re-light the first candle of Advent)
and peace, (re-light the second candle of
and with joy. (re-light the third candle of
Advent, the pink one)
Now we light
the candle of love to proclaim that God’s love is revealed in
the Child born in Bethlehem, and we are challenged to proclaim and
reveal that same love as we live out our faith here in this
land. (light the fourth
and last candle of Advent)
We give
thanks for a love that passes our human understanding, and we
await once more the birth of God’s enduring love this Christmas.
adapted from liturgies
God with us in Jesus Christ, we bow in gratitude to you for coming
to us in the flesh—for being born as a humble child, for growing
up among us and experiencing all that is human, for learning
obedience through suffering. Help us to know your presence, to
recognize the Spirit of Christ in the ordinary events of our lives,
and to become more and more a temple of your presence as we grow
into the likeness of Jesus Christ. Amen.
Bob W. Dell,
Codorus (Loganville, PA) Church of the Brethren
Church of the Brethren Living Word Bulletin
Anchor/Wallace, Sleepy Eye MN 56085, "The Living Word
"A Moravian Star"
On our way to
visit Tessa’s grandparents in Pennsylvania, we travel through
the town of Lititz. At this time of year many of the houses there
are decorated with all sorts of pretty lights, just like around
here. One thing that’s different, however, is a star that hangs
above the front doors. It’s quite an unusual star, really. There
are 26 points to it, and i t
looks like this. What makes it especially interesting is that
there is a lightbulb on the inside which makes this star glow at
night. It looks really cool. Every time we drove to Tessa’s
grandparents house in December and passed through the town of
Lititz, I always said something about those stars and how I liked
them. I must have said it enough that a few years ago for
Christmas my family gave me one. Now it hangs above our front door
at this time of year (except when I take it down for a children’s
story - I put it back up this afternoon!).
Why there are
so many of these stars in the town of Lititz is because a group of
Christians called Moravians settled there a long time ago. To this
day Moravians still live there, along with Brethren, and
Methodists, and Lutherans, and others. I read, and I’m not sure
if this is true, that the Moravians were some of the first people
in this country to decorate their homes for Christmas using
Christmas trees, bringing this practice with them when they moved
here from Europe. In the 1800's, back in Germany, Moravians came
up with a new decoration. They started making and hanging these
stars. It all began in a Moravian school, and then became a
business in the village of Herrnhut. Originally made out of paper,
with a tiny whale oil lamp - not a light bulb - on the inside,
these were called "Herrnhut Stars." Later on they were
made, like this one, out of plastic. Today we call them
"Moravian Stars."
What do you
think about when you see this star? (Get answers from the
children). When this light shines in the front of my house, I
think about how I want there to be room in my home for Jesus, how
I want his light to shine to help anyone who enters - including me
and my family - to see, so that we’re not walking in darkness. I
think about the wise men who, according to the story in the Bible,
were already on their way to find the baby Jesus. Like them, I
need to keep watching for directions from God on where to find
Jesus. He’s not just in my house with the "Moravian
star" over the front door, you know. There’s a light
shining in your house, too. It my not be a star like this hanging
over your front door. But he’s there. He’s all over the place.
"I am
the light of the world," Jesus said. "Whoever
follows me will never walk in darkness but will have the light of
life" (John 8:12). "I am
... the bright morning star" (Revelation
Some sources of info - The
Moravian Star, Moravian
Christmas Traditions,
Moravian Church FAQ, Brubaker
Family Stars.
Pastoral Prayer
written closer to the time (if not at the
our Tithes and Offerings
you return your offering, allow your imagination to take root. This
is a time full of promise. Think of Joseph in the Christmas story as
we have received it. When he learned his promised wife was pregnant,
the cold-hard fact that this baby was not his took over and he
resolved to make the best of the situation with the least amount of
hurt to anyone. Then he had a dream, and his imagination was stirred
up by an angel (Matthew
1:18-25). This was an "Immanuel" moment which spoke
of the coming birthday of a king, a promise in the form of a baby.
Imagine. Imagine. Just imagine!... Will the ushers come forward now
to receive what we have to share.
Go forth as a servant of Christ Jesus,
sent as a messenger
by him,
set apart for the
gospel, the promise of God.
Be a gift to others,
gracefully living
the promise
this Christmas week,
as well as the rest of the year.