the Advent Candle
vs. 1 of "It came upon a midnight clear" (195) is
sung, the candlighters come forward with a lit candle,
along the way grabbing both the mic on the floor stand,
and the mic on the lecturn (returning them afterward).
Standing on either side of the advent wreath (so that it’s
not hidden), each reads their portion. |
VOICE - Last Sunday the candle of peace was lit. We light it and
the candle of hope again as we remember that Christ will come again
and bring to the world everlasting peace.
(a person lights the candles of hope, and peace.)
VOICE - The third candle of Advent is the Candle of Joy. It
reminds of the joy that Mary felt when the angel Gabriel told her
that a special child would be born to her - a child who would save
and deliver his people.
VOICE - God wants us all to have joy. The angel who announced to
the shepherds that Jesus had been born told them: "Do not be
afraid. I am bringing you good news of a great joy for all people -
for to you is born this day, in the City of David, a Saviour, who is
the Messiah, the Lord."
VOICE - We light this candle to remember that Christ brings the
promise of a new life - a life in which the blind receive sight, the
lame walk, and the prisoners are set free. We light it to remember
that He is the bringer of true and everlasting joy.
(a person lights the third candle - of joy.)
by Rev. Richard J. Fairchild ©1993,
1996, 1999, 2002
adapted from "Year
B - Advent Candle Lighting"