- with confession and celebration
One: Passing on the faith from one generation to the
next is an important responsibility. Faith is a part of life’s
journey, and our faith is formed in many ways and in many
settings. The congregation and the home are partners in the faith
formation of our children.
All: We confess that we have not always been faithful in
sharing God’s story. We don’t take time to talk about our
faith at home. We’ve lost the language and habits of faith. We
are preoccupied with work and family life. We don’t know how to
love God with heart, and soul, and mind, and strength. Forgive us
for not making faith nurture a priority in our home and church
life. Forgive us for not being faithful. Help us to draw closer to
One: Listen, people, our God is faithful and steadfast,
and closer than a heartbeat. Look for signs of God’s activity
within and around you, when you are at home and away, when you go
to bed and when you get up. Everywhere you go, God is! Open your
eyes and your heart to God’s surprising ways. And know that you
are deeply loved.
All: This is God’s good news. Thanks be to God.
One: We celebrate, then, what God can do through our Sunday
All: We celebrate Christ’s message of love and grace,
healing and hope.
One: We celebrate the centrality of the Bible, God’s
All: We celebrate the many ways we can respond and share
this story.
One: For all who have offered their time & talents to
get ready for today.
All: We give you thanks, O God.
One: For teachers who love and accept each learner, and
offer their gifts with joy,
All: We give you thanks, O God.
One: For parents and caregivers who nurture and respect
their children. All: We give you thanks, O God.
One: For all learners who come with energy and enthusiasm,
All: We give you thanks, O God.
One: We dedicate this new year of gathering ‘round
your Word, O God, and pray that we will grow as followers of Jesus
All: Thanks be to God. Amen.
adapted from Worship Resources for
Gather ’Round Sunday