Worship Order for
Long Green Valley Church of the Brethren
Long Green & Kanes Rds., near Glen Arm, Md.
June 8, 2008
Worship 10:00 am
against hope, he believed…"
(Romans 4:18a) |
Morning Praise (9:45 am)
Lord Jesus"
German folk melody Call
to Worship
(back of bulletin)
"Come, thou Almighty King"
(note on the first hymn)
*Opening Prayer
Genesis 12:1-9
Congregational Discovery Team
Skit and
Invitation to participate
Quiet Time
for writing
Receiving our
offering of words
Sharing a joy, a concern, a word of
testimony or praise
(please be brief, and aware of God’s listening presence)
"O Master,
let me walk with thee"
John Kline Murdered, Guilty Never Brought to
seeds of peace"
(based upon
James 3:13-18)
Returning our
Tithes and Offerings
in Beulah Land"
(Please sign the attendance pad and pass it on)
Romans 4:13-25
to all indications"
(mp3 audio)
know not why God’s wondrous"
#'s are from Hymnal:
A Worship Book
Worship leaders - see basic
A note on the first hymn
As you sing
this familiar hymn, be listening for all the names it uses
for God. Notice how each of these connect with the three
persons of the Trinity. Each empowers worship - the
Father helps us to praise, the Incarnate Word
attends prayer, and the Comforter bears witness to
the worship of the people of God.
On an
historical note, this text was first sung to the tune
AMERICA, which in England is the melody of "God save the
king." It was said that when British soldiers surprised
colonial worshipers during a service in the middle of the
Revolutionary War and ordered them to sing "God save the
king," sing they did. But they substituted these words, and
thus worshipped a greater King.
adapted from Hymnal Companion, p. 69
Call to
Songs from the Heart
One: The LORD created us, making us in his own
image (Ps. 100:3).
All: We have been rescued from the power of sin and death.
One: How gracious is our God. His goodness
endures forever (Ps.147:1).
All: Worthy is the Lamb! (Rev. 5:9).
One: In Christ, God came to earth in human form
and lived among us.
All: Our Creator did not leave us to our own devices. Put his statutes to
song! (Ps. 119:54).
One: Praise God! The LORD is our song.
All: Give thanks! The LORD is our strength (lsa. 12:2).
One: With every fiber of our being, we give
ourselves to God.
All: Make melody with strings and voices (Ps. 33:3).
Make a joyful noise to the LORD (Ps. 98:4).
by Roseann Harwood, interim
Dranesville Church of the Brethren Herndon, Virginia
Church of the Brethren Living Word Bulletin
Anchor/Wallace, Sleepy Eye MN 56085, "The Living Word
No matter what name*
we use to call upon you:
Almighty King,
Father, all glorious,
Ancient of Days,
Incarnate Word,
Spirit of holiness,
Holy Comforter,
Spirit of power,
great One-in-Three,
come and refresh us with
yourself this day.
Lead us beyond the limits of our knowledge
into the wonder of faith in
We believe, help thou our unbelief.
Forgive our wandering from you.
Keep nudging us toward your promised land, your kingdom.
This we pray in Jesus’ name. Amen.
"Come, thou Almighty King"
Skit and Invitation to participate
Quiet Time for writing
Receiving our offering of words
With a skit, members of our
Congregational Discovery Team will be inviting everyone
to spend a few moments writing down responses to the following 3
questions on 4x5" cards:
What do we, as a
congregation, do well?
What draws us to this church?
What keeps us here?
When finished, everyone will pass their cards toward the outer
aisles of each pew, where CDT members will collect them. These
cards will be used after worship as we expand upon this sharing.
This is the first of 3 listening sessions. The next, on August
3, will focus upon our growth areas as a congregation. Another
in September will be asking questions about our church's vision.
Pastoral Prayer
written closer to the time (if not at the
Tercentennial Minute
John Kline Murdered, Guilty Never Brought to Trial
John Kline
(1797-1864) of Linville Creek, Virginia, was one of a kind.
Although it was not unheard of for Brethren elders to travel
back and forth among their scattered flock, sharing news,
praying, and preaching in their homes, Kline was exceptional.
Over the course of his life he traveled by his record over
100,000 miles, on foot, by train, but most of all on his
faithful horse, Nell.
His sermons, as
they are recorded, include humor as well as a strong biblical
foundation. When asked, he defended the faith with his pen,
writing an essay and a short book on the topic of baptism. But
Kline was not only a preacher, he was also a farmer, a doctor
and a carpenter. He was a much beloved visitor among the
Brethren, especially the children, for whom he always kept some
candy with him.
Kline's life was
not without tragedy. He and his wife, Anna, lost their only
child at birth. She suffered from incapacitating mental
Had the Civil War
not intervened, Kline would still have been remembered as one of
the towering figures among the 19th century Brethren.
But southern Brethren faced many hardships because of their
unwavering stance against slavery and violence. They were
victims of theft, persecution, and even murder. Early in the
war Kline was arrested and imprisoned along with other Brethren
and Mennonites for his refusal to take part in the so-called
"Glorious Cause."
And as one of the
few Brethren on either side of the Mason-Dixon line who refused
to honor the boundary between the two sides, he drew particular
ire. He was elected Moderator of the Annual Meeting from 1861
to 1864, in part as recognition of the great risk he took in
traveling to the northern states.
By 1864 his
friends and relatives were pleading with him to stay home
because of the rumors of his impending murder. He refused. On
May 19, 1864, as he journeyed back from his last Annual Meeting,
Kline said, "Possibly you may never see my face or hear my voice
again. I am now on my way back to Virginia, not knowing the
things that shall befall me there. It may be that bonds and
afflictions abide me. But I feel that I have done nothing worthy
of bonds or of death; and none of these things move me; neither
count I my life dear unto myself, so that I may finish my course
with joy, and the ministry which I have received of the Lord
Jesus, to testify the Gospel of the grace of God."
John Kline was
ambushed and killed by cowards masquerading as soldiers on June
11, 1864. Although sometimes referred to as Confederate
guerillas, those who did not serve in the army had usually found
a way to avoid duty in order to swagger about and give orders to
the few left at home. It is said that everyone in the Linville
Creek area knew exactly who had murdered Kline, but no one was
ever brought to trial, making the whole community complicit in
the murder.
And that’s the Tercentennial Minute for Sunday, June 8, 2008.
by Frank Ramirez, pastor of the Everett, PA
Church of the Brethren
posted by permission
The Everett church
graciously makes available these weekly vignettes from Brethren
to all who are interested during this
anniversary year of our denomination.
Frank will be the guest preacher for our Homecoming on October
26, 2008
(this is our congregation's 100th anniversary year)
our Tithes and Offerings
chairpersons of both the Nurture and Witness commissions of our
Church Board will fill us in on the special offering for this month
in general and next week in particular. As next Sunday is Father's
Day (where the Nurture Commission fits in),
you are invited to give an offering in honor of or in
memory of your own father or someone who has been to you like a
father. This special offering will be earmarked for
International (a month-long focus each year by
the Witness Commission). Not only can you give in someone's
name, but you can
select an animal - or a portion of an animal - for your gift
"which keeps on giving."
After clearing up any
misunderstandings we may have concerning this offering, these
commission chairpersons will invite us to return our tithes and
offerings today.
The liturgy, that is, the “work of the people” is not yet
finished this morning. I invite you on this hot day to head back
to the cool of our air conditioned fellowship hall. Choose a
seat around one of the tables. You’ll receive someone else’s
card from our earlier listening session, which you’ll read to
the others at your table. This may ignite the sharing of more
thoughts concerning what we do well as a congregation, what
draws us and keeps us here. If nothing else, enjoy the treats
and the “fellowship.” Save your usual connecting with each other
till the end.
As you head forth, remember once again
what God promised to Abraham
and Sarah long ago:
“I will make of you a great nation, and I will bless you,
and make your name great, so that you will be a blessing,…
and in you all the families of the earth
shall be blessed.”
(Genesis 12:2-3)
Hoping against hope,
sometimes contrary to all indications,
believe that God is still fulfilling this promise.
even dare to believe that in Christ
this promise is still being lived out in us.
Amen? Go!
(para traducir a español, presione la bandera de España)