Advent Wreath Candle Lighting Liturgies
Lectionary Year C

Long Green Valley Church of the Brethren


The First Sunday of Advent

  Call to Worship                                                         Jeremiah 33:14-16
*Hymn                                                                      (vs. 1-3) "O come, O come, Immanuel"                                                             172
*Opening Prayer

As surely as joy resides within the word “rejoice,”
                        so you reside within your people, O Lord.
            You come, not as a presence we can use to bless our every desire,
                        but as an inner strength and hope
                                    that challenges the way we’ve always done things,
                                           encourages us to step out by faith
                                                in directions we had not previously seen,
                                     and provides for our needs along the way.
Thank you, Immanuel, for being with us,
            even when we do not perceive your presence.
                        This we pray in the name of the One
                                    who is your “joy to the world.” Amen.

Please be seated.

  Lighting the First Advent Candle

(The two advent candlelighters - a recently baptized couple - come forward during the first hymn and stand, one on either side of the worship center. One should have the cordless mic from the back. On the way, the other picks up the mic from the stand up front and brings it forward. After the Opening Prayer, these candle lighters are voices 1 & 2 below. The worship leader is voice 3. Wait to begin until the congregation is seated.)

1 - Sunrise comes later each day, making it harder to get out of bed.

2 - Fall is leading to winter, and we begin adding layers for warmth.

3 - The list of things to do is growing, and we seem to have less energy “to do.”

1 - Lethargy is seeping in.

2 - Sleep calls out to us, physically and spiritually.

3 - But another voice is speaking.

1 - “Awake, arise, and open your eyes.”

2 - That is the message of this first Sunday of Advent.

3 - Even before we exchange the 2009 calendar for 2010, we begin anew.

1 - A light is shining, however dim. Can you see it?

2 - Coals are being stoked within. Do you sense it?

3 - Power, even amid weakness, is at the door. Do you feel it?

1 - “Awake,

2 - arise,

3 - and open your eyes.”

1 - Watch.

2 - Watch.

3 - Watch.

(The first Advent candle is lit as the word “Watch” is spoken three times above. The two candle lighters quietly return to their seats as we sing the next song. Along the way, return one mic to the stand and the other to the ushers in the back.)

Song                                                                                                                                                                         (see insert)

listen to mp3

see the rest of the order of worship for the first Sunday of Advent

The Second Sunday of Advent

  Call to Worship                                                             Malachi 3:1-4
*Hymn                                                            "On Jordan's stormy banks I stand"                                                               183
*Opening Prayer

         You are the One who makes ready to road, Lord, even before the thought of traveling it enters our minds. You are the One who begins the journey, coming to us long before we start packing. As we prepare, help us to both lighten our load and take on what we truly need, to pare back and be properly equipped. We’re tempted to take everything and nothing, to stuff our life bags with what’s ultimately unimportant and leave out the essentials. We need the prophet’s cry to turn us in your direction and to prepare us to travel light. That requires of us a listening ear. Okay, Lord, you have our attention. Blow your Spirit through this gathering this morning, and in so doing make this work of your people into heartfelt, real worship. With Jesus leading the way, we pray. Amen.

  Lighting the Second Advent Candle

(Isaiah 40:3,6a, 9)

(The advent candlelighter - a hispanic woman who recently joined our church - comes forward during the first hymn and stands to the side of  the worship center. On the way, she picks up the microphone from the stand up front and brings it forward. After the Opening Prayer, the candle lighter is voice 2 below. The worship leader is voice 1. Wait to being until the congregation is seated.)

1 - Watch

2 - Estén siempre vigilante

(The candle lighter lights the first candle, the one in front that was lit last week. Only when she is done, continue.)

 1 - A voice cries out:

2 - “Preparen en el desierto un camino para el Señor; enderecen en la estepa un sendero para nuestro Dios.”

1 - “In the desert prepare the way for the LORD; make straight in the wilderness a highway for our God.”

2 - Una voz dice: “Proclama.”

1 - A voice says “cry out!”

2 - “¿Y qué voy a proclamar?”, respondo yo.

1 - And I said, “What shall I cry?”

2 - Sión, portadora de buenas noticias, ¡súbete a una alta montaña! Jerusalén, portadora de buenas noticias, ¡alza con fuerza tu voz!

1 - Zion, bearer of good news, climb up a high mountain! Jerusalem, bearer of good news, Lift up your voice with strength!

2 - Álzala, no temas; di a las ciudades de Judá: “¡Aquí está su Dios!”

1 - Lift it up, do not fear; say to the cities of Judah, “Here is your God!”

2 - “Preparen un camino para el Señor.”

1 - “Prepare the way for the LORD.”

2 - Preparen.

1 - Prepare.

(The second Advent candle is lit as the word “Preparen” is spoken two times above. The candle lighter quietly returns to her seat as we sing the next song. Along the way, return the microphone to the stand.)

(Spanish is from the Nueva Versión Internacional)

Song                                                                                                                                                                         (see insert)

listen to an mp3

see the rest of the order of worship for the Second Sunday of Advent

The Third Sunday of Advent

  Call to Worship                                                             Isaiah 12:2-6

*Hymn                                                            "Come, thou long-expected Jesus"                                                                 178

*Opening Prayer
              With a sense of trust deeper and wider than can be explained, we come to you this morning – because you, O Lord, are trust-worthy. Your steadfast love and mercy draw us to you on this day of expectation. As a mother delivers a child when the time is right, so you deliver your people, bringing to birth new life. May this time of worship be filled with real joy as we draw from the “wells of salvation,” and drink the refreshing water of your Word. May we be challenged to change our ways of thinking and living that we might better reflect your will and your way, and be prodded by you to speak truth in a world that needs some good news. This we pray in the name of the One whom you sent as our Messiah. Amen.
  Lighting the Third Advent Candle

(The family of four – a mother and her 3 elementary-age children new to our fellowship - advent candlelighters come forward during the first hymn and stand, two on either side of the worship center. One should bring the cordless mic from the back, provided by the ushers. On the way, another picks up the mic from the stand up front and brings it forward, so that each pair has a microphone. After the Opening Prayer, these candle lighters are voices 1 - 4 below. Wait to begin until the congregation is seated. Read the scripture reference also.)

1 - "The Lord watches over the strangers; he upholds the orphan and the widow, but the way of the wicked he brings to ruin."  Psalm 146:9

2 - "O my strength, I will watch for you; for you, O God, are my fortress."  Psalm 59:9

4 - We re-light the first candle, and remember that as God watches over us, we are to keep our eyes open for his advent.

(child 1 lights the first candle)

3 - "You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies; you anoint my head with oil; my cup overflows."  Psalm 23:5

1 - "A voice cries out: 'In the wilderness prepare the way of the Lord, make straight in the desert a highway for our God.'”  Isaiah 40:3

4 - We re-light the second candle, and remember that it is who God prepares the way as we get ready for his advent.

(child 2 lights the second  candle)

2 - "The heavens are telling the glory of God; and the firmament proclaims his handiwork.  Psalm 19:1

3 – Moses sang, “I will proclaim the name of the Lord; ascribe greatness to our God!”  Deuteronomy 32:3

1 – Jesus said, “The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because he has anointed me to bring good news to the poor.

2 - He has sent me to proclaim release to the captives and recovery of sight to the blind,

3 - to let the oppressed go free, to proclaim the year of the Lord’s favor.”  Luke 4:18-19

4 – On this third Sunday of Advent, we light the candle of “proclamation.”

(child 3 lights the third  candle. All 4 candle lighters then quietly return to their seats as we sing the next song. Along the way, return one mic to the stand and the other to the ushers in the back.)


listen to an mp3

see the rest of the order of worship for the Third Sunday of Advent

The Fourth Sunday of Advent

Call to Worship                                                                Isaiah 9:2-7
Hymn                                                                  "To us a child of hope is born"                                                                    189
Opening Prayer
  O God of peace who is above every prince;
    God of wisdom and wonder who is above every counselor;
    God of passionate power who is above every ruler who believes that might makes right;
    Everlasting God who has seen empires rise and fall;
            watch over us this hour,
            prepare us for the coming of your Kingdom,
            help us to proclaim your saving truth.
This we pray in the name of the One upon whose shoulders your authority rests. Amen.
Lighting the Fourth Advent Candle

(The two advent candlelighters - a couple married here last summer, one of whom was baptized around Easter-time - come forward during the first hymn and stand, one on either side of the worship center. One should have the cordless mic from the back. On the way, the other picks up the mic from the stand up front and brings it forward. After the Opening Prayer, these candle lighters are voices 1 & 2 below. Wait to begin until the congregation is seated.)

1 - “To us a child of hope is born,

2 - to us a Son is given.”

1 - This is past history and present reality.

2 - Our celebration of Christ’s birth is but five days away.

1 - The season of Advent, however, is about more than Christmas.

2 - Like the disciples who have followed Jesus before us, we stand at the edge of a great Advent-ure.

1 - The future is God’s open book.

2 - With eyes wide open we watch for it.

(re-light the first candle)

1 - With hearts and minds engaged in the needs of today, we prepare for it.

(re-light the second candle)

2 - With boldness and compassion, we proclaim it.

(re-light the third candle)

1 - Through all our watching and preparing and proclaiming, we are mindful that this is God’s work in us, here and now.

2 - God is not finished.

1 - We light now the last Advent candle.

(light the fourth candle)

2 - Its flame reminds us of God’s purpose to save humanity.

1 - “I am the light of the world,” Jesus said.

2 - “Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life. (John 8:12)

(The two candle lighters then quietly return to their seats as we sing the next song. Along the way, return one mic to the stand and the other to the ushers in the back.)


listen to an mp3

see the rest of the order of worship for the Fourth Sunday of Advent


Christmas Eve Service involves an Advent wreath lighting that continues the above themes


unless otherwise attributed, contents are copyright © 2009 by Peter L. Haynes
permission to use for non-profit purposes granted
as long as the writer/composer is acknowledged