Lighting the Fourth Advent Candle
(The two advent candlelighters -
a couple married here last summer,
one of whom was baptized around Easter-time -
come forward during the first
hymn and stand, one on either side of the worship center. One
should have the cordless mic from the back. On the way, the
other picks up the mic from the stand up front and brings it
forward. After the Opening Prayer, these candle lighters are
voices 1 & 2 below. Wait to begin until the congregation is
1 - “To us a child of hope is born,
2 - to us a Son is given.”
1 - This is past history and present reality.
2 - Our celebration of Christ’s birth is but five days away.
1 - The season of Advent, however, is about more than Christmas.
2 - Like the disciples who have followed Jesus before us, we
stand at the edge of a great Advent-ure.
1 - The future is God’s open book.
2 - With eyes wide open we watch for it.
(re-light the first candle)
1 - With hearts and minds engaged in the needs of today, we
prepare for it.
(re-light the second candle)
2 - With boldness and compassion, we proclaim it.
(re-light the third candle)
1 - Through all our watching and preparing and proclaiming, we
are mindful that this is God’s work in us, here and now.
2 - God is not finished.
1 - We light now the last Advent candle.
(light the fourth candle)
2 - Its flame reminds us of God’s purpose to save
1 - “I am the light of the world,” Jesus said.
2 - “Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will
have the light of life.”
(John 8:12)
(The two candle lighters then
quietly return to their seats as we sing the next song. Along
the way, return one mic to the stand and the other to the ushers
in the back.)