1. A good place to start is to ask yourself, what are the main themes and
moods we want to include in our wedding? What kind of vows do we want to make to
each other? Will we have one ring or a double ring ceremony and what do we want
to say to each other as we exchange rings? What roles will your parents play in
the service? Are you comfortable with the traditional "Giving Away" of
the bride or would you rather have a different expression with parents of both
bride and groom participating? In what ways will you want to thank the family
and friends who have gathered? Will you want them to share in the wedding by
participating in the ceremony in readings or hymns?
2. Once some of your basic ideas have been discussed between you, read
over this booklet paying special attention to the description of each element in
the service. Then you are ready to begin.
3. When you have written or selected your entire ceremony, meet with the
pastor for a final approval. The pastor will have the ceremony typed in this
form for use in your wedding.
4. The pastor will also be responsible for any short comments needed to
bridge from one element to the other, for directing the rehearsal, and for
seeing that you have a copy of the final product, a meaning-filled keepsake.
5. If you have a question along the way -