(on this & other sites)
Hymns listed in Alphabetical Order
Hymns listed in Numerical Order
Hymnal Table of Contents
Search for words or phrases in hymns (a resource for purchase)
Global Hymns in the Hymnal
Sacred Harp tunes in the Hymnal
Some other hymns not in "Hymnal: A Worship Book"
(on other sites)
The Cyber Hymnal
Oremus Hymnal
Lutheran Hymnal.com
Digital Hymnal
The Ames Hymn Collection
The Sacred Harp
Psalms in Metre
Metrical Psalms
Psalms Christian Music Directory
(Introducing the Psalms)
and Spiritual Songs
Praise Band Songs (our repertoire with mostly youtube links)
see also: Contemporary Songs NYC Songs Country Gospel Songs Songs by Pete Haynes
on other sites: Higher Praise Heavenly Midis Music of the Spirit