Global Hymns in the new Hymnal
Hymnal: A Worship Book
(prepared by churches in the Believer's Church tradition)
©1992, Brethren Press, Faith and Life Press, Mennonite
Publishing House
Native American |
9 | "Jesus A, Nahetotaetanome" | (Plains Indian) |
35 | "Many and great, O God" | (Plains Indian) |
78 | "Ehane he'ama" | (Plains Indian) |
574 | "What a friend we have in Jesus" |
(text also in Cree) |
African-American |
164 | "When Israel was in Egypt's land" |
249 | "Calvary" |
257 | "Were you there" |
266 | "They crucified my Savior" |
401 | "This little light of mine" |
412 | "We shall walk through the valley" |
439 | "I want Jesus to walk with me" |
444 | "Lord, I want to be a Christian" |
446 | "Wade in the water" |
453 | "Let us break bread together" |
532 | "I am leaning on the Lord" |
546 | "Guide my feet" |
575 | "Precious Lord, take my hand" |
579 | "Lift every voice and sing" |
611 | "Soon and very soon" |
612 | "Steal away" |
627 | "There is a balm in Gilead" |
Taize (France) in Latin |
101 | "Alleluia" |
103 | "Jubilate Deo omnis terra" |
113 | "O Christe Domine Jesu" |
204 | "Gloria" |
294 | "Dona nobis pacem Domine" |
298 | "Veni Sancte Spiritus" |
348 | "O Lord, hear my prayer" |
452 | "Ubi caritas et amor" |
471 | "Eat this bread" |
554 | "Our Father, who art in heaven" |
562 | "Nada te turbe" (Spanish) |
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