Lead us, O Father
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1. Lead us, O Father, (or "Lead us, O Wisdom,") in the paths of peace; without thy guiding hand we go astray, and doubts appall, and sorrows still increase. Lead us, through Christ, the true and living way. 2 Lead us, O Father, in the paths of truth; (or "Lead us, O Teacher,") unhelped by thee, in error's maze we grope, while passion stains and folly dims our youth, and age comes on uncheered by faith and hope. 3 Lead us, O Father, in the paths of right; (or "Lead us, O Guardian,") blindly we stumble when we walk alone, involved in shadows of a mortal night. Only with thee we journey safely on. 4 Lead us, O Father, to thy heavenly rest, (or "Lead us, O Shepherd,") however rough and steep the path may be, through joy or sorrow, as thou deemest best, until our lives are perfected in thee.
Words: William H. Burleigh, The New Congregational Hymn Book, 1859 Tune: Edward J. Hopkins, Supplemental Tune and Hymn Book, 1869
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