Let all together praise our God
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1. Let all together praise our God upon the lofty throne, for God unlocks the heavens today and gives to us a Son. and gives to us a Son.
2. Christ lays aside his majesty and seems as nothing worth, and takes on him a servant's form, who made the heaven and earth. who made the heaven and earth
3. Behold the wonderful exchange our Lord with us doth make! Lo, he assumes our flesh and blood, and we of heaven partake. and we of heaven partake.
4. The glorious gates of paradise the angel guards no more. This day again those gates unfold; with praise our God adore! with praise our God adore!
Words: Nicolas Herman, Lobt Gott, ihr Christen alle gleich, 1554, Die Sonntags Evangelia über das gantze jahr, 1560; tr. Arthur T. Russell, Psalms and Hymns, 1851 Tune: Nicolas Herman, 1554, Ein Christlicher Abentreien; harmonized by J.S. Bach, Cantata No. 151, 1725
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