Unto thy temple, Lord, we come

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Unto thy temple, Lord, we come
with thankful hearts to worship thee, 
and pray that this may be our home 
until we touch eternity; 

the common home of rich and poor, 
of bond and free, and great and small;
large as thy love forevermore, 
and warm and bright and good to all. 

And dwell thou with us in this place, 
thou and thy Christ, to guide and bless. 
Here make the wellsprings of thy grace 
like fountains in the wilderness.

May thy whole truth be spoken here, 
thy gospel light forever shine, 
thy perfect love cast out all fear, 
and human life become divine.

#4 in Hymnal: A Worship Book

Words:  Robert Collyer, 1866, The River of Life, 1873
Tune: Supplement to Psalmody, ca. 1780; adapted by Edward Miller, 1790
                            (some background on this hymn)

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