Worship Order for Sunday

Long Green Valley Church of the Brethren
Long Green & Kanes Rds., near Glen Arm, Md.
January 28, 2001                       Worship 10:00 am Sunday School 11:10 am

      "And now faith, hope, and love abide, these three; and the greatest of these is love." (1 Corinthians 13:13)


*Gathering                      (vs. 1) "Come, let us all unite to sing"                          12


  Inviting                      (vs. 1 & 4) "Breathe upon us, Holy Spirit"                        28

  Praying                                                                   (in unison - back of bulletin)

*Praising                   (vs. 1 & 4) "I stand amazed in the presence"                    528

  Scripture                                    Jeremiah 3:4-10

  Children’s Time                  "Do not say, ‘I am only a ...’"

  Hymn                                      "Go now in peace"                                       429
                           (children and youth leave for choir or pre-school playtime

  Returning our Tithes and Offerings


*Response                          (vs. 3) "Savior of my soul"                                    549


  Sharing a joy, a concern, a word of testimony or praise

  Pastoral Prayer

  Love Medley                                                                                        Shalom!
                   "They’ll Know we are Christians by our Love"  -  Scholtes
                                  "Bind us Together in Love"  -  Gillman

  Scripture 1 Corinthians 12:31 - 13:13

  Message                       "The Greatest Gift"

*Hymn                                "Go, my children"                                               433




           How easily we speak of love, proclaiming with the scriptures that "God is love." But do we really know what love is all about? Every day, in so many ways, we trip and fall when it comes to "loving the Lord our God with all our heart, soul, and mind," and "loving our neighbor as ourself." If that just described you, then say out loud, "forgive me, Lord." (response)
           In Jesus Christ, God has revealed to us what real love is. Through the Holy Spirit God lives in us, a presence and a power that makes love possible. Let’s open the door to his knock and invite him in.

Based on Psalm 71:1-6

O my God, in your presence I seek refuge.
Like huge rocks that tower above and all around me,
Like a grandparent's arms that enclose and protect me,
You are for me a place of safety and security .

O my God, in your presence I find renewal.
Like a clear waterfall rushing from the towering heights,
Like a refreshing drink in a dry, barren place,
You supply my every need for abundant life.

O my God, in your presence I know peace.
Like the clear surface of a high mountain lake,
Like a calm voice in the midst of turbulence,
You offer me the depths of abiding shalom.

O ever-present God,
Rock of Refuge, Water of Renewal, Lake of Peace,
Protect me from all that would cause harm,
Be for me always my hope and my salvation.
In you, O God, I put my trust -
     as a tiny babe trusts her mother,
     as a youth trusts a beloved leader,
And I will praise you my whole life long. Amen.

                                              -June Adams Gibble
                                               Minister of Congregational Life
                                               Highland Avenue Church of the Brethren Elgin, Illinois

Returning our Tithes and Offerings

          At the beginning of a race, the starter says, "take your mark, get set, Go!" ... When we end our worship with the words, "Go in peace," are we bringing things to a close or only just setting off on a race, an "odyssey of the Spirit?" Think about that as you return your offering. Ushers? Congregation? "Take your mark, get set, Go!"


         Thank you, Lord, for your graceful, loving presence in our lives, which propels us forward in the direction you have set for us. Help us to wisely use what you have given to fuel the race. In Jesus’ name, we pray. Amen.

Children's Time

                                                     (Read Jeremiah 1:4-8)
          The worship leader (Mike Hanna) is a big, strapping fellow with a strong, deep voice. With him sitting next to us up front, we'll look through the "baby book" his mother made for him long ago. It's hard to imagine he was once that little. I bet his parents had all sorts of dreams for him - what he might grow up to become. Who would've known he'd grow to be so tall (or bald, oops). Who would've known he'd become a daddy to twins, and then a granddaddy to who? Michael and John. Right! Who would've known he'd have such a wonderful speaking and singing voice? (How low can you go, Mike?) Who would've known he'd become a very good salesman, and that people would come to count on his word? Who would have known he also would be a good salesman for Jesus? Who would've known all this when he was a baby?  I bet God knew!
           I wonder about you. I wonder what you'll become some day. But, you know what? Each of you are special even today. Think about Jeremiah. God knocked on his door, calling him to be a prophet when he was only a boy. "I'm only a boy!" That's what Jeremiah said. "Only a boy." But God knew Jeremiah long before he was even a dream in his Momma's heart. And God said to Jeremiah, "Don't say you are only a boy. I'm going to do some very special things with you." That's what God said.
           That's what I'd like to say to all of you, also. "Don't ever say you are only a ... boy, a girl. God knows you very well, even before you were born - just like Jeremiah, just like Mr. Mike here. And God is going to do some very special things with you. That is, if you're willing. Who knows, some day you might be sitting up here with children all around you, looking up to you.

(The seed for this story came from Even More Little Stories for Little Children,
by Donna McKee Rhodes, ©2000, Herald Press, Scottdale, PA, p. 40
She is Pastor of Nurture at Stone Church of the Brethren, Huntingdon, PA)


Interested in Sunday School?
Below is a growing list of possible sites to visit. As you discover others, please let us know.

International Lesson thoughts
from the
Mennonite Publishing House

International Lesson
Commentary by
Richard Hughes
(posted on Saturday)

International Lesson
Commentary by
Edwin Elliott



©2001 Peter L. Haynes


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