Worship Order for
Long Green Valley Church of the Brethren
Long Green & Kanes Rds., near Glen Arm, Md.
July 28, 2002
Worship 10:00 am Sunday School for all ages 11:15 am
kingdom of heaven is like treasure hidden in a field,
which someone found and hid; then in his joy he goes and
sells all that he has and buys that field."
(Matthew 13:44) |
Call to Worship
"Awake, arise, O sing a new
*Opening Prayer
the beauty of the earth"
*Unison Prayer of
Sharing a joy, a concern, a word of testimony or praise
(Children grade 2 and younger then go to Sunday School)
"Fluye, Espiritu, Fluye"
(see insert)
Pastoral Prayer
with treasure"
(those with a testimony to share about what
having or being a mentor in Christ has meant for them
will be invited to speak briefly during the sermon)
(vs. 1-3) "When
the storms of life are raging"
"God, whose giving"
#'s are from Hymnal:
A Worship Book
Worship leaders - see basic
guidelines |
Such beauty
you have set before our eyes, O Lord, such glory we behold - if
only we wake up and open ourselves to see. Forgive us, God, for
when our praise is more grudging than grateful, when it is not a
"new song of joy and celebration." You are the source of
all that is good around us. Could we really even take in all the
joy that you freely share? You are joy itself. To know you is to
know joy, and peace, and hope, and love, and life itself.
Thank you for the
precious gift of your Son, Jesus - the very reason we are here
this day. May this worship - what we say and do, the songs and the
silences, the thoughts of which we are aware and those unconscious
yearnings which govern our lives - may all of it right now be an
offering to you, that you might receive us where we are and move
us toward where you want us to be.
In Christ Jesus,
we pray. Amen. |
Prayer of Confession
Gracious God, hear our confession.
Our faith is uncertain,
our forgiveness slow,
our conviction weak,
our compassion wavering.
We have exalted the proud and powerful,
put down the weak,
saturated the rich with good things,
neglected the poor,
sent the hungry away empty-handed.
We have helped ourselves.
Show us your mercy,
Help us show mercy,
through your Son, our Savior. AMEN
Hymnal #703
Adapted from the musical "Prayer Phrases"
by Harris J. Loewen, © 1986 Harris J. Loewen |
If we were to
sing the rest of that hymn, we’d give testimony to how God
stands by us at all stages of life, not just when we are young.
"In the midst of persecution, when (your) foes in war array,
undertake to stop (your) way," he is with you. "When
(you’re) growing old and feeble, when life becomes a burden, and
you’re nearing chilly Jordan," he is with you.
As our truest
Mentor, Jesus stands by us. Not only is he our Savior and Lord, he
is our friend. And by being our truest friend, he shows us how to
be true friends with each other. Mentors, above all else, are true
friends. Those of you who are responding to the call to become a
mentor, you know what to do, placing your response in the offering
as it is passed. Now is a time for all us to respond, with our
tithes and offerings, to God who entrusts us with so great a
Will the ushers
come forward to serve? |
Go now:
Go in safety,
for you cannot go where God is not.
Go in love,
for love alone endures.
Go with purpose,
and God will honor your dedication.
Go in peace,
for it is the gift of God to those
whose hearts and minds are in Christ Jesus.
by Earle W. Fike jr.
p. 122, For All Who Minister
A Worship Manual for the Church of the Brethren
©1993, Brethren Press |