Worship Order for
Long Green Valley Church of the Brethren
Long Green & Kanes Rds., near Glen Arm, Md.
November 6, 2005
Worship 10:00 am, Sunday School 11:10 am
Junior High
Youth Sunday

logo created by Alexis Bear
Morning Praise (9:45 am)
Call to Worship
joyful, we adore thee"
Warm Fuzzy Tale" (adapted)
(Pre-schoolers then leave for Sunday School)
"Help us to help each other"
Scripture Jam
Hebrews 10:24
a Pest"
Challenge to "Make a
(As you listen to this song by Joseph Helfrich, write down
the name of one person you will encourage this week to do
a loving act or good deed.)
Responding with our Tithes and
Sharing a joy, a concern, a word of testimony or praise
"Fluye, Espiritu, Fluye"
(see insert)
Pastoral Prayer
true Vine, that heals"
*Responsive Benediction
#'s are from Hymnal:
A Worship Book
Worship leaders - see basic
guidelines |
Call to
One: When
relationships are strained,
All: Let us provoke one
another to love.
One: When the community
around us is hurting,
All: Let us provoke one
another to service.
One: When the world uses
violence to settle conflicts,
All: Let us provoke one
another to peace.
One: As the church of
Jesus Christ,
All: Let us provoke one
another to love and good deeds.
by Monica Rice
2006 Youth/Young Adult
Workcamp Coordinator
from worship
Loving God, we live in a world of so much need.
There are people
People who have no homes,
People who are desperately lonely.
Use our lives so that others may see your glory and love
through our deeds
and actions.
Use all of us to provoke one another to more love and good deeds
In your name, Amen.
Scripture Jam
Hebrews 10:24
N: And let us consider how to provoke one another
to love and good deeds
1: provoke
2: I like that word
1: provoke
2: to anger
3: to incite
2: to agitate
3: to antagonize
N: And let us consider how to provoke one another to love and good
4: WAIT! Provoke has
to be the wrong word.
1: provoke
2: to incite
3: love?
4: It’s too strong. Why not "let us encourage one
N: And let us consider how to provoke one another to love and good
1: provoke
2: to stir up emotion
3: emotion that must become action
2: Emotion…
3: called out…
2: to become action.
1: provoke
4: tangible love
3: love called out
2: called out so strongly
1: that it must grow hands and feet
2: love that must be living
3: and breathing
2: in the world. (pause)
4: But how?
N: And let us consider
1: And let us consider how to provoke
think about how
how to provoke
1: spur on
2: incite
3: call out
1: living love
2: daring good deeds
4: But how? (pause)
3: Brothers and sisters,
1: let us consider, together, how
All: to provoke love and good deeds
Laura Stone
Gould Farm Volunteer
from worship
to "Make
a Difference"
A month ago,
four of our junior youth traveled to New Windsor, Maryland to
participate in the first ever National Junior High Conference of
the Church of the Brethren. It was a great experience! (youth
might want to say more about it).
Helfrich led singing at this event. One of his songs is entitled,
a Difference." Right now, as you listen to this song, you
are challenged to make a difference in your world by thinking of
just one person who you might "encourage,"
"provoke," maybe even "pester" to do a
loving act or a good deed. There is a 3 by 5 inch card in your
bulletin for you to write down that name and, if you feel so
moved, to put it in the plate when it is passed later, as part of
your offering to God.
Realize that
in doing this you are committing yourself to get involved with
someone and make a difference in their life... Are you willing to
do that this week?
with our Tithes and Offerings
(after the song is finished:)
Pray with me:
of love and action, provoke us to serve the world in the spirit of
Jesus. Open our hearts to your word so that we might share a message
of hope and life. Use our lives so that others may see your glory
and love through our deeds and actions. AMEN
Monica Rice
2006 Youth/Young Adult
Workcamp Coordinator
from worship
Pastoral Prayer
written closer to the time (if not at the
One: May God deny you an easy peace,
All: And grant you instead, passion,
One: A revolutionary passion that spills over into the world,
All: In acts of compassion and love, stirring up and provoking
justice and integrity.
One: Go in the spirit and way of Christ,
All: Who is our strength, our passion, and our true peace. Amen
Written by Carol Wise
Minneapolis, MN
from worship
(para traducir a español, presione la bandera de España)