Worship Order for
God of hope and promise, we give thanks for the abundant life
that Jesus opened to us through his ministry. We rejoice that
little acts of kindness reveal your glory. Fill us with your
Spirit. Grant us your wisdom. May your word become incarnate in
us. Amen.
by Estella Horning, Goshen, Indiana
Church of the Brethren Living Word Bulletin
Anchor/Wallace, Sleepy Eye MN 56085, "The Living Word Series"
Confession and Assurance
One: Let us confess our sins, repudiating those things that rob
us, and those around us, of generosity and joy. Let us pray.
One: Whenever we have turned our Christianity into dull routines
and platitudes, without zest and laughter;
All: Lord have mercy.
One: Whenever we have resented the enthusiasm of the new convert
or the excitement of the idealistic person;
All: Christ have mercy.
One: Whenever we have traded the new wine of the Gospel for the
old beverage of religious laws, anxiety; and self-belittling;
All: Lord have mercy.
One: O dearest Christ, Brother and Saviour, your super-abundant
forgiveness is ready ages before we seek it; your love is
enfolding us long before we become aware of it. Fill us, we
pray, with the peace that the secular world cannot give us, and
with the joy that no doubt, failure or fear can steal from us.
All: Amen!
One: Our God does not deal in half measures. Out of God’s
fullness we have received saving grace heaped upon saving grace.
All: It is Christ who sets us free, therefore we stand free
indeed. Thanks be to God!
Bruce Prewer, Uniting Church in Australia
A Time with
Our resident storyteller, "Mr. Ed," will share some time with
our little ones. |
Pastoral Prayer
written closer to the time (if not at the
our Tithes and Offerings
We use the word
“returning” at this point in worship to make clear that what we
give is from what we have already received. We turn once again
toward the One who has provided for our needs. Our possessions,
our finances, our abilities, all come from God. While we are
free to make choices about what we do with it all, let’s be
manifestly clear - God is the source. As that old hymn states,
“all good gifts around us are sent from heaven above. So thank
the Lord for all his love.” Pray with me.
Holy Spirit, you have
honored each of us with unique spiritual gifts. We acknowledge
that these gifts are to be used for your glory alone. Help us to
offer our talents so that others may be encouraged to share
abundantly. We are honored and humbled by the responsibility of
using these gifts as stewards of your Kingdom. We pray in the
name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
prayer written by and © 2009
David S. Bell.
(para traducir a español, presione la bandera de España)