Worship Order for Sunday

Long Green Valley Church of the Brethren
Long Green & Kanes Rds., near Glen Arm, Md.
April 29, 2012
Worship 10:00 am              Sunday School 11:10am

Fourth Sunday of Easter 

      "…by the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, whom you crucified, whom God raised from the dead."
                                      (Acts 4:10c)

  Beginning with Praise (9:50 am)                     "Who are these"                     270
  Prelude                        "Joyful, Joyful, We Adore Thee"                  Beethoven

Turning toward the Good Shepherd

  Call to Worship                                                                                        662

*Hymn                         "The King of love my shepherd is"                          170

*Opening Prayer

  For Children                     "What’s a shepherd?"

  Scripture                                   John 10:11-18

  Sharing a joy, a concern, a word of testimony or praise
                                 (please be brief, and aware of God's listening presence)

  Prayer Hymn            "Gentle Shepherd, come and lead us"                        352

  Pastoral Prayer

Living by His example

  Scripture                                  1 John 3:16-24

  Returning our Tithes and Offerings

  Offertory                   "Savior, Like a Shepherd Lead Us"                  Bradbury
                                        (Please sign the attendance pad and pass it on)

  Scripture                                     Acts 4:1-12

  Response                                 "Who are these"                                        270

  Message                               "Peter’s boldness" (mp3)

*Hymn                         "God of Grace and God of Glory"                           366


*Postlude                           "Forth in Thy Name I Go"                             Dykes

*Rise in body or in spirit

#'s are from Hymnal: A Worship Book

Worship leaders - see basic guidelines

Call to Worship

Leader:  Come, let us worship 
People: For we are the people of God's pasture.
Leader:  Come, let us worship and bow down, 
People: For we are the sheep of God's hand.
Leader:  Come, let us worship and bow down, 
                  before the Lord, our Maker.
     All:   For the Lord is our God,
                  and God desires our worship!

Hymnal #662
by Earle W. Fike, Jr., from We Gather Together,
©1979 Brethren Press.

Opening Prayer

Gentle Shepherd ... King of Love,
            we come to you as we are, not as we pretend to be.
      In truth, Guide and Guardian,
            when we lift our heads above our path,
                  we - like sheep - often discover ourselves
                        wandering aimlessly amid
                              a maze of choices.
            We confess from the very beginning of this worship
                  that we are lost...
                        Were it not for you,
                              Great Seeker of our souls,
                              Patient Parent to our childhood,
                              Joyful Host to our homecoming;
                        Were it not for you, O Lord,
                                    we would be lost forever.
                              But, because of what you have done
                                                                 and continue to do,
                                    there is room for us in your house,
                                                                    at your table.
Gentle Shepherd ... King of Love,
      as we seek you this hour, remind us
            that you have first sought and found us,
                  just as we are, not as we pretend to be;
            that you patiently guide and guard us
                  through dark valleys
                        toward green pastures.
                  and teach us how to live along the way.
                        This we pray in Jesus’ name.

a variation on this prayer (#a-6)

For Children
"What’s a shepherd?"

Start the below video and have it run in background. Invite children forward. When all are there, start. The below are only questions to get conversation going. The children will be at various stages in their ability to make a connection between sheep and people. Most younger ones are very literal, so don’t push the figurative too hard. Just planting seeds to get them wondering. Older ones will be at the cusp of making such connections. Even so, sheep and shepherds – though prominent biblical images – are not prevalent in our age. Thus, we are just bringing them in and having fun with imagining what you do with sheep.


What are those? (sheep)
That’s a lot of sheep.
How many do you think are there? (have them guess)
I have no idea how many.
What are they doing? (walking down the road)
What keeps them together? (a shepherd)
What’s a shepherd? (someone who herds sheep)
How does a shepherd “herd” sheep?
     (tools like a staff, sheep dog, etc)
Why? (so they can eat grass)
Why? (wool, meat)

The Bible sometimes calls God a shepherd.
Why do you suppose that is?
Does God shepherd those kind of sheep?
God shepherds us? How?
Does that mean we are sheep?
Oh, we are sort of like sheep.
How so?


Pastoral Prayer


written closer to the time (if not at the moment)


Returning our Tithes and Offerings

Glorious God, we know that your capacity to love is infinitely greater than our own ability.  Indeed, you call us to love one another in truth and in action.  We yearn to be active disciples, so that our hearts truly abide with you.  Use these gifts to increase our ability to be your followers.  In the name of the One who laid down his life for us, Jesus Christ, we pray.  Amen.

Copyright © 2011 David S. Bell.
Reprinted with permission from



Go now with your trust in the good shepherd,
and let us love, not just in words,
but in truth and action.
Believe in the name of Jesus Christ,
and love one another, just as he has commanded us.

And may God be at your side, even in valleys of death.
May Christ Jesus be the cornerstone of your life.
And may the Holy Spirit abide in you
....and tend you with love and mercy all the days of your life.

©2003 Nathan Nettleton LaughingBird.net

(para traducir a español, presione la bandera de España)


Interested in Sunday School?
Below is a growing list of possible sites to visit. As you discover others, please let us know.

International Lesson:
Faith and Life Resources

Mennonite Publishing House

International Lesson:
Mennonite Weekly Review

(scroll down on left to "Sunday School lessons)

International Lesson:
Christian Standard
(one week ahead)

International Lesson:
Adult Bible Studies
from The United Methodist Publishing House
(click "supplemental resources" and "current events supplement" under both the "Student" and "Teacher" sections in the left hand column)

International Lesson:
International Bible Lesson
a weekly column by L.G. Parkhurst, Jr.
in "The Oklahoman" newspaper
also found

International Lesson:
Living Web Sunday School Project

While one of our adult classes follows the International lesson above (see also), using
A Guide for Biblical Studies,
published quarterly by our denomination,
another class often uses one of the
Good Ground series.

For children and youth, we use the new
Gather Round curriculum
(developed jointly by the Church of the Brethren and the Mennonite Church)


©2012 Peter L. Haynes
(unless otherwise stated, worship resources were written by him)


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