Worship Order for
Long Green Valley Church of the Brethren
Long Green & Kanes Rds., near Glen Arm, Md.
July 1, 2012
Worship 10:00 am
daughters of Israel, weep over Saul, who clothed you
with crimson, in luxury, who put ornaments of gold on
your apparel. How the mighty have fallen in the midst of
the battle!”
(2 Samuel 1:24-25a) |
Beginning with Praise
(9:50 am)
"The Steadfast Love of the
Lord" (insert)
*Responsive Call to Worship
Lamentations 3:22-23
is thy faithfulness" 327
*Opening Prayer
Responsive Scripture
Lamentations 3:24-26
A time for Silence
Lamentations 3:27-33
A time for Children
into Trouble"
a joy, a concern, a word of testimony or praise
(please be brief, and aware of God's listening presence)
"The Steadfast Love of the
Lord" (insert)
Pastoral Prayer
"O Beautiful for Spacious
Skies" (insert)
Returning our Tithes
and Offerings
Offertory (Please
sign the attendance pad and pass it on)
2 Samuel
1:1, 17-27
Goliath is not your enemy"
"Come, come ye saints" 425
*Rise in body or in spirit #'s are from Hymnal:
A Worship Book
Worship leaders - see basic
guidelines |
Responsive Call to
Lamentations 3:22-23
One: The steadfast love of the Lord
never ceases,
All: God’s mercies never come to an
One: they are new every morning;
All: great is thy faithfulness.
Indeed, O Lord, we
can count on your love and faithfulness. At the center of all
our varied motivations, that is why we really have gathered
together in this place at this time. May all our other reasons
for being here, either be pleasing in your sight or forgiven in
your mercy, or (perhaps) both. Receive us as we are, and help us
to receive you as you are, limited as our ability to fully know
you may be. In your greatness and goodness, provide for our
needs this day, and empower us through your Spirit to become
what you have created us to be, that we might step out by faith
into this new day and the week that follows. This we pray in the
name of the One who leads us daily toward your Kingdom – Jesus
Christ, our Lord. Amen.
Responsive Scripture
Lamentations 3:24-26
One: “The Lord is my portion,” says my
“therefore I will hope in him.”
All: The Lord is good to those who wait for
to the soul that seeks him.
One: It is good that one should wait quietly
for the salvation of the Lord.
A time for Silence
To “wait quietly” for the Lord
can be difficult. That is true when we are little and our bodies
just want to move, full of energy. It is also an accurate
statement for those of us who are a bit further along the road
of life. Impatience plagues us all.
In the following moments, I
encourage you to simply be still and, in the silence, allow God
to do what God does when we wait upon the Lord. Become aware of
your breathing and your heartbeat, and know that the Spirit is
the very wind of God, faithful and steady and consistent. Be
Lamentations 3:27-33
27It is
good for one to bear the yoke in youth, 28to sit
alone in silence when the Lord has imposed it, 29to
put one’s mouth to the dust (there may yet be hope), 30to
give one’s cheek to the smiter, and be filled with insults.
31For the Lord will not reject forever. 32Although
he causes grief, he will have compassion according to the
abundance of his steadfast love; 33for he does not
willingly afflict or grieve anyone.
A time for
into Trouble”
Involve the children in
remembering the story of David facing Goliath, as recorded in 1
Samuel 17. Make it fun. Have them chose the adult to come
forward and portray Goliath. Act it out, all of them pretending
to put on (and take off) the armor, pick stones, and fling them.
Pastoral Prayer
written closer to the time (if not at the
our Tithes and Offerings
2 Corinthians 8:7-15
Listen to what the
apostle Paul wrote to the church in Corinth. Yes, in this
portion of his letter to them he is asking for money – not for
himself, but for the believers in Jerusalem, who were not as
well off as their Corinthian brethren. Notice how he shifts the
conversation. The focus changes from collecting to emptying,
from their abundance to the poverty of Christ. Listen…
7Now as you excel in everything
in faith,
in speech,
in knowledge,
in utmost eagerness, and
in our love for you —
so we want you to excel also
in this generous
8I do not say this as a command,
but I am testing the genuineness of your love
against the earnestness of others.
9For you know the generous act of our Lord Jesus
that though he was rich,
yet for your sakes he became poor,
so that by his
you might become rich.
10And in this matter I am giving my advice:
it is appropriate for you
who began last year not only to do
but even to desire to
do something —
11now finish doing it,
so that your eagerness may be matched
by completing it according
to your means.
12For if the eagerness is there,
the gift is acceptable according to what
one has —
not according to what one
does not have.
13I do not mean that there should be relief for
and pressure
on you,
but it is a question of a fair balance
between 14your present
their need,
so that their
may be for your
in order that there may be a fair balance.
15As it is written,
“The one who had much did not have too much,
and the one who had little did not have
too little.”
Pray with me.
Spacious skies, waves of grain,
mountains majesties, fruited plain;
Pilgrim feet, freedom beat,
mended flaw, liberty in law.
In these moments, O Lord,
we turn our gaze beyond ourselves.
As we seek to be genuine, earnest,
perhaps even eager in our generosity,
shift our sight to Jesus, who,
though rich, became poor for our sake.
A dream that sees beyond the years,
a gleam, undimmed by human tears.
Shed your grace, O God.
Shed your grace.
The steadfast love of the Lord never
God’s mercies never come to an end;
they are new every morning;
great is the faithfulness of the One
who calls you, and equips you
to face whatever Goliath is ahead of you.
Go in peace.