Worship Order for
Long Green Valley Church of the Brethren
Long Green & Kanes Rds., near Glen Arm, Md.
October 28, 2012
Worship 10:00 am
Sunday School 11:10am
came to Jericho. As he and his disciples and a large
crowd were leaving Jericho, Bartimaeus son of Timaeus, a
blind beggar, was sitting by the roadside.”
(Mark 10:46) |
Beginning with Praise
(9:50 am)
"God is here among us"
"Prelude and Fugue in F major"
Bach *Call to Worship
*Song "Shine,
Jesus, Shine"
*Opening Prayer
The Prophet’s Promise
Jeremiah 31:7-9
(vs. 3)
as I am, without one plea"
The Gospel Witness
Mark 10:46-52
(vs. 4)
as I am, without one plea"
(includes mp3)
(as told by the Bible character himself)
(vs. 1-2) "I
know not why God’s wondrous grace"
The Psalmist Song
Psalm 126
with our joys & concerns, testimonies or praise
(vs. 5)
as I am, without one plea"
Pastoral Prayer
The Apostle’s Testimony
Hebrews 7:23-29
(Contemporary English Version)
A Challenge for
Responding with our
Tithes and Offerings
(Please sign the attendance pad and pass it on)
*Hymn "God, whose giving"
"God of the Fertile Fields"
*Rise in body or in spirit #'s are from Hymnal:
A Worship Book
Worship leaders - see basic
guidelines |
Call to
One: Look ... Jesus is here among us.
All: How can we know that Jesus is
here. for we are blind and cannot see?
One: Listen ... Jesus of Nazareth is truly among us.
All: O Jesus, have mercy on us and hear
our cries for sight and understanding.
One: Take heart; Jesus is calling you into his presence.
All: Let us leave behind that which
binds us to our blindness: let us faithfully follow him.
by Marlene M.
Neher, retired pastor
Ivester Church of the Brethren, Grundy Center, Iowa
Church of the Brethren Living Word Bulletin (from Oct. 29, 2000)
Anchor/Wallace, Sleepy Eye MN 56085, "The Living Word Series"
Ever present God,
accept our heartfelt thanks for being with us in this hour of
worship and in all of life. Take from us those things that make
us blind to your holy presence. Tune our ears to hear your call.
Enable us to trust you enough to ask for what we need. Give us
faith to believe in your power and love. Fill us with courage to
follow wherever you call us to go. We pray in the name of Jesus.
by Marlene M.
Neher, retired pastor
Ivester Church of the Brethren, Grundy Center, Iowa
Church of the Brethren Living Word Bulletin (from Oct. 29, 2000)
Anchor/Wallace, Sleepy Eye MN 56085, "The Living Word Series"
Pastoral Prayer
written closer to the time (if not at the
A Challenge for Children
Do you know what
is happening this afternoon? Yes, there will be football games
on television. And, you’re right, there will be a meal in our
fellowship hall, followed by a play for our dinner theater. You
can smell the food cooking, can’t you? What else? Yes, that’s
what I was thinking about, the
CROP Walk. Every year, people from churches all around
our community head over the
NCR trail and walk several miles together.
Why do they do
this? Yes, they are raising money. Each person is supposed to
get a bunch of other folks to sponsor them walking, but why?
What are we raising money for? You got it! The money we raise by
walking goes to help poor children around the world not go to
bed hungry.
Sixty five years
ago, people were going hungry in Europe. There had been a big
war, in which many people were killed. Cities and towns, and the
land around them had been destroyed. There were Christians here
in the United States, mostly farmers, who heard about this and
wanted to help. So they started an organization called, “Christian
Rural Oversees Program” (or
CROP), to send food to Europe to feed starving children, and
money to help the people there rebuild.
This organization
didn’t stop once Europe was rebuilt and children there were no
longer hungry. They heard of other children in other places
around the world who were going to bed hungry, so they kept on
sending food, and blankets, and money to help these other
children. Christians who lived in the city wanted to join in
helping, so after a while
the letters CROP no longer meant “Christian
Rural Oversees Program.”
Fifty years ago,
someone had the bright idea of raising money by walking, and so
CROP Walks were started. Now lots of organizations raise
money by walking, but CROP was the first. The “walking” was and
is important, because in some places in this world, children
walk many miles just to fetch drinkable water, or get food to
eat. We walk because they walk. We think of these children and
pray for them as we walk. And we raise money to help feed them.
Speaking of money,
are any of you walking? Good. I’d like to sponsor you. Here, put
this money in your registration envelope, and put my name down
as a sponsor. The rest of you, I want you to experience the joy
of sponsoring someone else. I’m going to trust you with some
money. After worship, I want you to see how many people who are
walking in the CROP Walk today that you can give this money to
as a sponsor. I don’t want you to keep any of it. I want you to
give it all away. You already know someone who is walking, one
of you. Let’s see who else is walking in the CROP Walk today.
(to congregation:) If you are walking, please stand so the
children can see who you are… Okay, kids, wait until after
worship is over, and then go find these persons and give them
your offering. See how many of them you can sponsor.
When you have
given all your money away (remember, don’t keep any of it), go
and find Mr. Floyd. He has something of a “trick or treat”
nature to give once you have responded to this challenge. Again,
don’t start until after worship is over. Okay?
in "Responding with our Tithes and Offerings" below)
with our Tithes and Offerings
(a continuation of children’s
time above)
Well, now is the
time we collect our offerings during worship. These won’t be
going toward the CROP Walk, but rather to the other ministries
of this church. When we give, we are responding to “God, whose
giving (to everyone) knows no ending.” Please help me just now
to pray over these offerings. Let’s join hands.
Lord, thank you for
feeding us today. We woke up and enjoyed breakfast, and didn’t
have to walk many miles to eat or drink, like some children in
this world do. You brought us here this morning, and we heard
the story of Bartimaeus. We’re glad Jesus helped him to see. You
help us to see, too. We think of your words to us, the stories
of Jesus, as well as your other instructions to us in the Bible,
as “bread.” You have fed us our daily bread. Bless now, our
response to your feeding of us. May this money the ushers will
collect bless as many people as possible. In Jesus’ name we
pray. Amen.
Thank you. You may
return to your seats as the ushers pass the plates and receive
what we all have to give.
Go out with your eyes opened to the
presence of God
and follow Jesus on the way.
Drink in the richness of God
and enjoy the strength of the Lord.
And may God give you a long and full life;
May Christ Jesus open your eyes to the wonder of life;
and may the Holy Spirit fill you with the faith that makes you
©2000 Nathan