Worship Order for
Long Green Valley Church of the Brethren
Long Green & Kanes Rds., near Glen Arm, Md.
November 4, 2012
Worship 10:00 am
Sunday School 11:10am
National Junior High Sunday
“And over all these virtues
put on love,
which binds them all together in perfect unity.”
(Colossians 3:14, NIV) |
Beginning with Praise
(9:50 am)
by day" (insert/overhead)
Greeting "To the
saints" (insert/overhead)
Call to Worship
*Song "Here I am to worship" (insert/overhead)
*Opening Prayer
Scripture Jam Deuteronomy
6:4-5, Mark 12:28-31
Song "Thy Word" (insert/overhead)
a joy, a concern, a word of testimony or praise
(please be brief, and aware of God's listening presence)
(vs. 1-3, 6)
be the tie that binds" 421
1 Corinthians 13
Returning our Tithes and Offerings
Song "Day
by day"
(Please sign the attendance pad
and pass it on)
Scripture Jam
Colossians 3:12-15
on Love"
"Bound together" (insert/overhead)
*Closing Litany
*Rise in body or in spirit #'s are from Hymnal:
A Worship Book
Worship leaders - see basic
guidelines |
A nice bedsheet (double or queen size, choose an appropriate
color, or pick a solid color tablecloth - fold in half) is
draped in an inconspicuous place up front, ready for use. On one
side are pinned construction paper hearts, 3 to 4 inches in size
in various colors, enough for every person who might attend
worship. On each of these hearts is written one of the following
“Compassion,” or “Kindness,” or “Humility,” or “Gentleness,” or
“Patience” or "Forgiveness"… In the back of the
sanctuary is a large wooden cross with it’s removable base,
which will be brought forward and set up during a song. |
Call to
One: God, it is awesome that you choose
All: We worship you!
One: God, you are the one who has
designed and created all things.
All: We worship you!
One: God, you have forgiven us!
All: We worship you!
One: God, you clothe us in your love.
All: We worship you!
Jon Keller
Note: As "Here I am to worship" is sung, 2
youth process with the cross and its base to set it up in the
front of the sanctuary. |
Lord God, your
chosen ones, holy and beloved, have gathered to worship you.
Remind us in this hour of worship of the great responsibility we
have as your chosen ones; the responsibility to clothe ourselves
with compassion, kindness, humility, meekness, and patience…the
responsibility, to clothe ourselves in love. God, in this time
of worship, cover us with your forgiveness; clothe us with your
love. Amen.
Jon Keller
Scripture Jam
Deuteronomy 6:4-5 and Mark 12:28-31
1 - Listen up, Israel.
2 - Open your ears.
3 - Pay attention!
1 - The Lord
2 - is our God,
3 - the Lord alone.
1 - You shall love
2 - Love! Do you hear what we’re saying?
3 - Love the Lord your God
1 - with all your heart,
2 - and with all your soul,
3 - and with all your might.
1 - That’s what it says in the Law of
2 – Someone once asked Jesus,
3 - “Which commandment is the first of
1 - Jesus answered,
2 - “The first is, ‘Hear, O Israel:
3 - the Lord our God, the Lord is one;
1 - you shall love the Lord your God
2 - with all your heart,
3 - and with all your soul,
1 - and with all your mind,
2 - and with all your strength.’”
3 - and then Jesus added a second
1 - “‘You shall love your neighbor as
2 - There is no other commandment greater
than these.”
3 - Are you listening?
God, every day we
have to make choices. Some choices are easy and some are very
hard! Our hearts are torn between hope and fear, trust and
doubt, love and jealousy. But you have provided us with a
beautiful gift; the gift of Love. Remind us to clothe ourselves
in love every day, so that our hearts are full and open to
Christ’s peace, which rules in the favor of the greater good.
Today, with every choice we make, with everyone we meet, let our
first and our last thought be love.
Dawna Welch
1 Corinthians 13
The youth silently go out into the congregation to “choose” and
lead forward an adult to read the scripture from the Lectern.
This person has already agreed to this ahead of time. Before
this adult reads, however, the youth drape the sheet/poncho over
this person. They then stand behind the reader as s/he reads - |
Corinthians 13
our Tithes and Offerings
Let us return our Tithes and Offerings to God.
Note: as “Day by Day” is sung
(and ushers collect the offering), the youth take the
sheet off the adult reader, who then returns to his/her seat,
and drape it over the front of the cross, with the hearts facing
the congregation. Use thumbtacks to secure it from behind. |
Scripture Jam
Colossians 3:12-15
1 - Therefore...
2 - Consequently
3 - As a result
4 - Hence
1 - As God’s chosen people...
2 - Selected
3 - Preferred
4 - Special
1 - Holy and dearly loved...
2 - Treasured
3 - Appreciated
4 - Prized
2 - Cherished
1 - Clothe yourselves with...
3 - Compassion...
4 - Kindness...
2 - Humility...
3 - Gentleness...
4 - Patience...
1 - Bear with each other...
2 - Grrr!
(as in the sound of a bear)
1 - Bear with each other…
3 - Together
1 - And forgive one another...
4 - I’m sorry
2 - I apologize
3 - Please forgive me
4 - I forgive you
1 - If any of you has a grievance
against someone...
2 - Hey!
3 - Stop it!
4 - Knock it off!
2 - Hello?!
1 - Forgive as the Lord forgave
3 - The Lord forgave you for everything,
4 - The least you could do is the same.
2 - Forgive each other.
3 - As Jesus did
1 - And over all these virtues...
4 - Above all else
2 - More important than anything
3 - Don’t forget!
1 - Put on love...
2 - Amour (pronounced
“a-more” in French)
3 - Liebe
(pronounced “lee-bah” in German)
4 - Agapé
(pronounced “ah-gah-pey” in Greek)
1 - Which binds them all together...
2 - The binding agent.
3 - The glue
4 - Makes it stick
2 - Holds it together
1 - In perfect unity...
2 - Let the peace of Christ...
3 - Rule in your hearts...
4 - Peace of Christ RULES!
2 - Be in charge
3 - Be king of your heart
4 - Love and only love
2 - Peace and only peace
3 - Christ’s peace
1 - Since as members of one body...
4 - Council
2 - Committee
3 - All one
4 - Many parts but one body
1 - You were called to peace...
2 - Hello!
3 - Hey!
4 - Over here!
2 - Come hither!
1 - And be thankful...
3 - Merci
(pronounced “mare-see” in French)
4 - Danke schön
(pronounced “dan-kah shun” in German)
- Gracias
(pronounced “grah-see-ahs” in Spanish)3 - Thank you
4 - Amen.
Rachel Witkovsky (adapted)
Based on Colossians 3:12 – 15 (NIV)
Note: At the end of the message, the
congregation will be invited to come forward as they sing the
final song and take a heart off of the sheet draped on the cross
and pin it to their own shirt/blouse/dress, symbolizing their
desire and commitment to “put on love.” It is "Love" which hold
together our
“Compassion,” or “Kindness,” or “Humility,” or “Gentleness,” or
“Patience” or "Forgiveness" (On each heart is written one of
these words). |
Closing Litany
One: We are chosen by God to dress with compassion,
kindness, humility, gentleness and patience.
All: God has provided us a garment rich and fine!
One: We are chosen, holy and dearly loved.
All: God loves us whatever happens. No matter what!
One: We are chosen to bear each other’s burdens and forgive
one another.
All: God weaves us together in perfect love!
One: We are chosen to let the peace of Christ rule in our
All: God has given us a gift and we are THANKFUL!
One: We are chosen and perfectly clothed to show the world
our love.
All: God has given us a gift and we are THANKFUL!
Dawna Welch