Worship Order for
Long Green Valley Church of the Brethren
Long Green & Kanes Rds., near Glen Arm, Md.
December 9, 2012
Worship 10:00 am
Sunday School 11:10am
Second Sunday of Advent
the time came for the naming of his son, John, Zechariah
was so filled with the fresh breath of the Holy Spirit
that he just had to open his mouth and speak.”
(Luke 1:67+, Rockhay version) |
Beginning with Praise
(9:50 am)
"On Jordan's banks the Baptist's cry"
"Christmas Bells"
Gade Call to Worship
(back of bulletin)
thou long-expected Jesus"
*Opening Prayer
Luke 3:1-6
For Children
attention to God"
rest ye merry, gentlemen"
Philippians 1:3-11
a joy, a concern, a word of testimony or praise
(please be brief, and aware of God's listening presence)
(vs. 1-2)
child is this"
Pastoral Prayer
Malachi 3:1-4
Returning our Tithes
and Offerings
(Please sign the attendance pad and pass it on)
Dramatic Reading of
Luke 1:68-79 (prefaced
by 1:5-24 & 57-67 paraphrased)
Reclaiming “Evangelism” and “Testimony” (includes mp3)
"Bless'd be the God of Israel"
"For God So Loved Us" Thüringer
melody ca. 1840
*Rise in body or in spirit #'s are from Hymnal:
A Worship Book
Worship leaders - see basic
guidelines |
Read at end of
announcements before Prelude:
The busyness of Bethlehem can remind us of our own lives. Our
lives are often so full of clutter, so busy with distractions,
that we don’t have room for anything or anyone else. An
innkeeper made time and cleared the way so Jesus would have a
warm and welcoming place to sleep. God only needs us to “be
still” for a moment, to allow the Holy Spirit to clear the way
for Jesus to enter our lives.
(this, the Call to Worship & the Opening Prayer
are on the back of the bulletin)
Sandi Evans Rogers, associate pastor
Frederick (MD) Church of the Brethren
Church of the Brethren Living Word Bulletin
Anchor/Wallace, Sleepy Eye MN 56085, "The Living Word Series"
Call to
One: Today, in front of us, are many paths that invite us to
follow. The distractions of this world can confuse us. Calendars
are full, activities can consume us.
All: Clear the way, Lord ... clear the way.
One: May we slow down and be still. May we listen to the
Holy Spirit. May we prepare our hearts for Christmas. May we
prepare our hearts for Christ.
All: Prepare the way, Lord ... prepare the way.
As we light the first two Advent candles, please
rise in body or spirit and, instead of the hymn
suggested on the back of your bulletin, sing
thou long-expected Jesus"
(wait until they begin singing,
then light first the candle in the front,
and then the candle to the left,
not the pink or back candles) |
words to the Call to Worship
written by
Sandi Evans Rogers, associate pastor
Frederick (MD) Church of the Brethren
Church of the Brethren Living Word Bulletin
Anchor/Wallace, Sleepy Eye MN 56085, "The Living Word Series"
Abba, Father, we confess that our lives have become too full and too
busy to listen and be still. This Advent season, may we allow the
Holy Spirit to still our hearts and our lives as we make room for
Jesus. Teach us how to clear the way - one day at a time - and to
prepare for the gift of Jesus entering our lives. Amen
Sandi Evans Rogers, associate pastor
Frederick (MD) Church of the Brethren
Church of the Brethren Living Word Bulletin
Anchor/Wallace, Sleepy Eye MN 56085, "The Living Word Series"
attention to God”
Needed: 1) the living Christmas tree
in a pot you set upon a stump with the children
week; 2) a string of Christmas tree lights ready
to put on the tree (test beforehand to make sure
they work) |

Do you like our
tree? What do you like about it? It’s not a big tree, but unlike
many of the trees we put up at this time of year, it is not
artificial, nor has it been cut down. Therefore, it is not a
dead tree. It is a living tree. When we are done with it this
month, we will take it outside and plant it in the ground. It
will continue to grow.
Do you think it’s
a pretty tree? Oh, you think it would look nicer if we added
some decorations? Okay - I did tell you last week that we were
going to decorate it during our children’s stories this month.
Why don’t we add a string of lights to it today? (as they are
helping you do so, continue) Why do we put lights on our
Christmas trees? (get all their answers as they work,
validating each one) These are all great answers… Let’s plug
it in and see what it looks like. Pretty! Do you think it has to
have lights on it to look nice? Once it’s planted outside, it
won’t have lights. Will it still be a good looking tree?
If you were
listening, the worship leader read to us from the Bible about
John the Baptist, who was sent by God to “prepare the way” for
Jesus. He cried out to people to turn to God. They weren’t
paying attention. He was like a light that lit up the night
drawing attention to God, sort of like these lights draw our
attention to this tree. Would we look at this tree if the lights
weren’t on it? Maybe not. It’s just a small tree, after all. But
with those lights, we see the tree.
Of course, the
lights are not the tree, are they? When we’re done, we’ll take
the lights off and plant the tree outside. Will we pay attention
to this tree as it grows outside without the lights? Hmm, I
wonder. I’ll tell you what. After this tree is planted, I’ll
show you where it is. Then it’ll be up to you to remind us about
this tree. Go look at it and tell us about it throughout the
year. Don’t let us forget, even when it isn’t Christmas time. In
so doing, you’ll be like these lights, just like John the
Baptist. He prepared the way for Jesus, turning people toward
(series continued
next week)
Pastoral Prayer
written closer to the time (if not at the
our Tithes and Offerings
“I am sending a
messenger,” the prophet Malachi promised for God. We may not
be John the Baptist, but we can help draw people’s attention to
God through our words and actions. Of course, in order to do so,
we need to be paying attention ourselves.
Are we paying
attention as we work on our finances? How might our budgets and
bank accounts be like the lights on that Christmas tree? Are we
oohing” and “aahing” over the dollar signs (or “groaning” and
“crying” over the lack of them)? OR are we looking past
the figures to see God? Stewardship starts with paying
What we do with
our money, our possession, our abilities, our time, our words,
our relationships – all of this sends a message. As you return
your offering just now, think about the message your life is
sending this week. Are you a messenger for God?
Ushers, please gather in what we seek to give.
May it be pleasing to the Lord.
Dramatic Reading of Luke 1:68-79
by 1:5-24 & 57-67 paraphrased)
- Elizabeth Z - Zechariah
E - I am Elizabeth. This is my husband Zechariah. He was a
priest back in the days of King Herod of Judea. We had a good
life and sought to live right, and yet we were not blessed with
any children, until – that is – the gray hair started growing on
our heads.
Zechariah took his turn serving in the
temple one year when a strange thing happened. He was alone in
the sanctuary making an offering when an angel appeared.
Z - That’s right. And let me tell you, it scared the living
begeebers out me.
E - The angel told him not to be afraid, and that I, Elizabeth,
would bear him a son, whom he was to name John.
Z - Can you believe that? Me and Lizzie here having a child at
our age?
E - Oh, be quiet, Zack.
Z - Yeah, that’s what the angel said when I shared my doubts. “I
am an old man,” I said, “and my wife is getting on in years.”
E - And at that, Gabriel (the angel) shut Zack’s mouth until the
boy was born. I’ve got to tell you, it was downright peaceful in
our house for nine months. It’s nice when a man listens. A
little confusing at times, but nice!
Anyway, I did
end up getting pregnant, if you can believe that, and had an
interesting visit from a distant niece, whose name was Mary,
perhaps you know her. The days and months eventually led to the
birth of a healthy baby boy. Our neighbors and relatives
couldn’t get over it that I, at my age, was a new mother.
assumed we would name the boy after his father, even though I
tried to tell them different. On the eighth day when we
circumcised him, the moment came to name him. They didn’t
believe me when I said it was to be “John.” … “Nobody in your
family has this name,” they replied.
Zack couldn’t
talk, you understand, but he motioned for something to write on.
“His name is John” is what he scribbled, and then - all of a
sudden! - he could speak.
E - It was like a dam bursting wide and a flood of water flowing
out. Couldn’t get him to be quiet for days. It caused a stir
among our neighbors, let me tell you! They wondered, “What then
will this child become?” On that day, filled with the Holy
Spirit, my husband really let loose:
(what follows is Luke 1:68-79)
Z - “Blessed be the Lord God of Israel, for
He has looked favorably on his people
and redeemed them.
He has raised up a mighty savior for us
in the house of his servant David,
as he spoke through the mouth
of his holy prophets from of old,
that we would be saved from our enemies
and from the hand of all
who hate us.
Thus he has shown the mercy promised to our ancestors,
and has remembered his holy covenant,
the oath that he swore to our ancestor Abraham,
to grant us that we, being rescued
from the hands of our
might serve him without fear,
in holiness and righteousness
before him all our days.
And you, child, will be called
the prophet of the Most High;
for you will go before the Lord to prepare his ways,
to give knowledge of salvation to his people
by the forgiveness of their sins.
By the tender mercy of our God,
the dawn from on high will break upon us,
to give light to those who sit
in darkness and in the shadow of death,
to guide our feet into the way of
Luke 1:68-79 from
the New
Revised Standard Version
copyright 1989 by the Division of Christian Education of the
National Council of the Churches of Christ in the United States
of America.
Used by permission. All rights reserved.
Go now and prepare the way for
the Lord.
Share in the gospel of God’s grace;
Proclaim salvation and the forgiveness of sins;
Make straight paths for justice and mercy.
And may God complete the good work begun in you;
May Christ Jesus rejoice in your faith and compassion;
and may the Holy Spirit fill your love with wisdom,
and produce in you a harvest of righteousness.
©2000 Nathan