Worship Order for
Sunday |
Long Green Valley Church of the Brethren
Long Green & Kanes Rds., near Glen Arm, Md.
April 20, 2014
Worship 10:00 am
Sunday School 11:10am
“So if you
have been raised with Christ, seek the things that are
above, where Christ is … for you have died, and your life
is hidden with Christ in God.”
3:1-3) |
Beginning with Praise
(9:50 am)
“Who are these”
“Christ arose”
Call to
(back of bulletin)
“Christ the Lord is risen today”
*Unison Invocation
(back of bulletin)
Gospel Story, part 1
John 20:1-10
Gospel Story, part 2
John 20:11-18
the Rhythm”
“Christ has arisen”
the Prophets
Jeremiah 31:1-6
a joy, a concern, a word of testimony or praise
(please be brief, and aware of God's listening presence)
our Tithes and Offerings
“Meditation at the Cross”
(Please sign the attendance pad and
pass it on)
the Apostles
Colossians 3:1-4
the Inexpressible”
“Proclaim the tidings near and far”
“Proclaim the Tidings”
*Rise in body or in spirit #'s are from Hymnal:
A Worship Book
Worship leaders - see basic
guidelines |
Call to
Leader: The
Lord promised to prepare a feast of the finest foods when sin,
evil, and injustice are swallowed up.
There will be no more room for sadness; tears will give way
to laughter. God's people will rejoice!
Young Adult: And
God said, "A new heart I will give you, and a new spirit I will
put within you."
We will have love for one another. Youth: Everyone will
live with dignity!
Leader: So
God sent Jesus to live among us, to teach us, to prepare us for
choosing a different kind of life.
But the religious and political leaders were scared and
angry. The crowds became unreasonable: "Crucify him!"
On the third day following his death, the women went to his
tomb, and they found it empty.
Young Adult: Out of fear and great joy, they
ran to tell the news!
Leader: Still today, the Easter message
continues to be shared in hundreds of nations around the world by
millions of people, like you and me.
Go and tell. Christ the Lord is risen. Alleluia!
Jan Glass King, pastor
Woodbridge, VA Church of the Brethren
Church of the Brethren Living Word Bulletin
Anchor/Wallace, Sleepy Eye MN 56085,
"The Living Word Series
Today, O God, earth and heaven are joined, and your kingdom has
come in the form of a risen Savior. Alleluia! May the mystery and
majesty of Easter dwell deep within us, filling the world with
renewed hope and light. Inspire us to live faithfully, and to
share relentlessly the good news of the resurrected Christ, who
lives and reigns forever. Amen.
Jan Glass King, pastor
Woodbridge, VA Church of the Brethren
Church of the Brethren Living Word Bulletin
Anchor/Wallace, Sleepy Eye MN 56085,
"The Living Word Series
The Gospel Story, part 1
John 20:1-10
1 - Early on the first day of the week,
2 - while it was still dark,
1 - (it was as yet still night)
2 - Mary Magdalene came to the tomb and saw
1 - (Do your eyes play tricks on you in the
2 - she saw that the stone had been removed
from the tomb.
1 - So she ran
2 - (Wouldn’t you run? This was not what she
expected to find!)
1 - she ran and went to Simon Peter and the
other disciple,
2 - the one whom Jesus loved,
1 - (the one John’s gospel does not name,)
2 - and Mary said to them,
1 - “They have taken the Lord out of the
tomb, and we do not know where they have laid him.”
2 - Then Peter and the other disciple set out
and went toward the tomb.
1 - The two were running together,
2 - but the other disciple outran Peter and
reached the tomb first.
1 - He
2 - (the other disciple)
1 - he bent down to look in and saw the linen
wrappings lying there, but he did not go in.
2 - Then Simon Peter came, following him, and
went into the tomb.
1 - He saw the linen wrappings lying there,
2 - (Even in that dark tomb he saw. Had the
day dawned by now?)
1 - and he saw the cloth that had been on
Jesus’ head.
2 - It was not lying with the linen wrappings
but was rolled up in a place by itself.
1 - Then the other disciple, who reached the
tomb first, also went in, and he saw and believed;
2 - He believed.
1 - for as yet they did not understand the
2 - that Jesus must rise from the dead.
1 - Rise from the dead.
2 - Then the disciples returned to their
adapted from The New Revised Standard Version,
copyright 1989 by the Division of Christian Education of the
National Council of the Churches of Christ in the United States
of America.
Used by permission. All rights reserved.
The Gospel Story, part 2
John 20:11-18
1 - But Mary stood weeping outside the tomb.
2 - (She must have followed them.)
1 - As she wept, she bent over to look into
the tomb;
2 - and she saw two angels in white, sitting
where the body of Jesus had been lying, one at the head and the
other at the feet.
1 - They said to her,
2 - “Woman, why are you weeping?”
1 - She said to them,
2 - “They have taken away my Lord, and I do
not know where they have laid him.”
1 - When she had said this, she turned around
and saw Jesus standing there, but she did not know that it was
2 - Jesus said to her,
1 - “Woman, why are you weeping? Whom are you
looking for?”
2 - Supposing him to be the gardener, she
said to him,
1 - “Sir, if you have carried him away, tell
me where you have laid him, and I will take him away.”
2 - Jesus said to her,
1 - “Mary!”
2 - She turned and said to him in Hebrew,
1 - “Rabbouni!”
2 - (which means Teacher).
1 - Jesus said to her,
2 - “Do not hold on to me, because I have not
yet ascended to the Father. But go to my brothers and say to them,
‘I am ascending to my Father and your Father, to my God and your
2 - Mary Magdalene went and announced to the
1 - “I have seen the Lord”;
2 - and she told them that he had said these
things to her.
adapted from The New Revised Standard Version,
copyright 1989 by the Division of Christian Education of the
National Council of the Churches of Christ in the United States
of America.
Used by permission. All rights reserved.
the Rhythm”
When I was in Nigeria, visiting the Brethren there, I thoroughly
enjoyed listening to their marching women’s choirs. They don’t use
pianos or organs or guitars. They sing using drums. Now, I didn’t
understand the words they sang, for they were singing in a
language called “Hausa.” But, five years later, I can still hear
the sound of their drums. It’s like the rhythm of those drums is
in my very bones.
Now, we just listened to the Easter story of Mary and Peter and
the beloved disciple going to the empty tomb where Jesus was
alive, risen from the dead. We don’t fully understand the words,
but we feel the rhythm of it all deep within. It’s like the gospel
is in our very bones.
I brought some drums and other rhythm instruments with me, and I
asked if our experienced drummer, Shawn, would help us catch the
rhythm of an African Easter song that is in our hymnal. It doesn’t
come from Nigeria, however. It’s from Tanzania, and was originally
in a language called “Swahili.” With Shawn’s help, you will
provide the rhythm to help the rest of us sing it (to the
congregation: “it’s #267 in your hymnal”). Meghan will help me
lead the singing, once you catch the rhythm. Let this gospel song
be in your very bones.
is the rhythm with the melody)
Christ has arisen
Hymnal #267
Christ has arisen, alleluia!
Rejoice and praise him, alleluia,
for our redeemer burst from the tomb,
even from death, dispelling its gloom.
Let us sing praise to him with endless joy.
Death's fearful sting he has come to destroy,
our sins forgiving, alleluia.
Christ has arisen, alleluia!
For three long days the grave did its worst
until its strength by God was dispersed.
Christ who gives life did death undergo,
and in its conquest his might did show................(Refrain)
The angel said to them, "Do not fear.
You look for Jesus who is not here.
See for yourselves, the tomb is all bare.
Only the grave cloths are lying there..................(Refrain)
"Go spread the news; he's not in the grave.
He has arisen, mortals to save."
Jesus' redeeming labors are done.
Even the battle with sin is won...........................(Refrain)
Christ has arisen to set us free.
Alleluia, to him praises be!
The power of Satan no longer binds,
nor can enslave the thoughts of our minds...........(Refrain)
Jesus is living, let the earth sing.
He reigns triumphant, eternal king,
and he has promised those who believe
into his kingdom he will receive..........................(Refrain)
Pastoral Prayer
It was for all people that Christ Jesus died and rose from the
grave. Let us pray for some of them. For this prayer, when you
hear me say, “Living Christ,” follow my words with “comfort and
redeem your people.”
Let’s practice that once:
Living Christ,
comfort and redeem your
Let us pray.
Most loving God, we bring to you our concern and compassion for
those whose lives are subject to acute sorrow, evil or disease.
Living Christ,
comfort and redeem your
For those who over this Easter face an untimely, sudden death, we
pray: Victims of war, terrorism, murder, and the carnage on our
Living Christ,
comfort and redeem your
For those who are enduring a lingering death: from cancer or aids,
kidney or heart disease, or because of inadequate hospital care
and inadequate medicinal supplies.
Living Christ,
comfort and redeem your
For those who care for the dying and the bereaved: family and
friends, nurses and doctors, pastors, counsellors, and funeral
Living Christ,
comfort and redeem your
For those who are confronted by blatant evil, we pray: peacemakers
and arbitrators, UN workers, peace keepers, aid agencies and
prison chaplains.
Living Christ,
comfort and redeem your
For those who are must deal with more insidious evil, we pray:
teachers and ministers, psychiatrists, censorship boards, mothers
and magistrates.
Living Christ,
comfort and redeem your
For those who fight suffering, handicap and disease, we pray.
hospitals and research facilities, ambulance staff, flying
doctors, physiotherapists, community nurses and
kindly neighbours.
Living Christ,
comfort and redeem your
Great living Lord of love and joy be also with each of us gathered
here for this Easter service. You know our needs better than we
do. You have answers that do not occur to us. Bless us we pray,
that we may not get the answers we want but the help that will
lead to your greater glory.
Through Jesus Christ our Saviour.
slightly adapted
Resources: Based on the Revised Common
Lectionary. Prayers,
Collects and Litanies by Bruce Prewer, Uniting Church in
our Tithes and Offerings
New life abounds. Jesus has been raised from the dead. Through the
resurrection, God offered the world the greatest gift imaginable.
What can we give in return as an act of gratitude for everything
God has done — and is doing — through Jesus? Let us dig deep
within our hearts (and within our wallets) so that the collective
ministry of this congregation may share the light of the
resurrection with a world that relies on, and shudders at,
graveyard shadows.
While the ushers pass the plates, would you also sign and pass the
attendance pad located by the center aisle of each pew? Thank you.
the first
paragraph is from
Bread for the Journey
(a .pdf)
written by the Rev. Dr.
John Tamilio III, PhD, 2011.
We have gathered to celebrate
and to proclaim a mystery
which cannot fully be understood,
and yet the rhythm of its truth
is in our very bones.
Christ is risen! He is risen indeed.
And we have been raised with Him.
Now go out from this place and share this
Don’t force it.
Simply allow it to come from within.
Those who know you will recognize its authenticity.
God will help them to catch the rhythm, also,
because our Lord is already out there ahead of you.
So, be blessed by your Creator,
by the Love of Christ, and
propelled by the power of the Holy Spirit. Amen