Call to
Leader: Is it true that
we are called, as God's people, to keep loving each other like
People: Yes,
keep on loving each other.
Leader: Do we keep loving
each other, even when someone gets on our nerves or doesn't agree
with us?
Yes, keep on loving each other, at all times.
Leader: Do we keep loving
each other, just like Jesus loved his own disciples?
Yes, keep on loving each other, just like Jesus did by washing his
disciples' feet.
Leader: Do we keep loving
each other, so the world may know we are Jesus' followers?
Yes, keep on loving each other, so the whole world may know that
we belong to him.
Leader: Do we keep loving
each other, until our Lord Jesus Christ comes back for the church?
Yes, keep on loving each other until the Lord Jesus
returns. Let the whole church say amen.
by Brad
Kelley, pastor
East Chippewa Church of the Brethren
Orrville, Ohio Church of the Brethren Living Word Bulletin
Anchor/Wallace, Sleepy Eye MN 56085, "The Living Word Series"
Heavenly Father, you are love and the call to continue loving one
another like family is challenging. We ask for your love to flow
through us as your people, today and throughout the coming week.
Help us to love each other, as you have clearly loved us and shown
us in Christ Jesus. In Jesus' name we pray, amen.
by Brad Kelley,
East Chippewa Church of the Brethren
Orrville, Ohio Church of the Brethren Living Word Bulletin
Anchor/Wallace, Sleepy Eye MN 56085, "The Living Word Series"
Luke 14:1, 7-14
Reader 1 - In our gospel reading for this day, we pay
attention to not one, but two stories that Jesus told, as
remembered by Luke. Both involve gathering around a table and
enjoying a meal. But who should sit where? And who should be
invited? May those who are curious about the answers, listen.
Reader 2 -
Luke 14:1, 7-11
Reader 1 -
Luke 14:12-14
Children “Yertle
the Turtle”

This delightful Dr. Seuss tale tells of King Yertle the Turtle who
grew dissatisfied with his throne and began insisting that he
stand atop a growing tower of turtles. Max, the one at the bottom,
begs for relief but is ignored by Yertle until he burped in
disgust, sending the whole tower into free fall and making Yertle
the King of the Mud. While this will be read to the children, you
can listen to it online on the youtube below, narrated by John
our Tithes and Offerings
“Let us continue to offer the gift of praise to God through Christ.
Keeping God’s name on our lips is a real gift, but it is not the
only gift that matters. Don’t overlook the importance of sharing
what you have and working for the good of others, because these
too are gifts that delight God.”*
13:15-16 from the
Laughing Bird Version
©2001 Nathan Nettleton
Pastoral Prayer
written closer to the time (if not at the
just started praying for him"
based upon
Hebrews 13:1-8,
especially verse 2
This sermon begins with the following video:
this link if the
embedded movie below does not work)
to the spoken part (mp3)
(does not include videos above or
it ends with this video:
this link if the
embedded movie below doesn't work)
You can
read more about the first video, a news report,
The second video is a clip from Les
Hebrews 13:16
The Message)
In words borrowed from the letter to the
sure you don’t take things for granted
and go slack in
working for the common good;
share what you have with others.
God takes particular
pleasure in acts of worship -
- a different kind of “sacrifice” -
- that
take place in kitchen
and workplace
and on the streets.”
Blessings on this Labor Day weekend, brothers
and sisters.
Go in peace.
Copyright © 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996,
2000, 2001, 2002.
Used by permission of
NavPress Publishing Group