Worship Order for
Sunday |
Long Green Valley Church of the Brethren
Long Green & Kanes Rds., near Glen Arm, Md.
May 24, 2015
Worship 10:00 am
Sunday School 11:10am
‘When the
time is ripe,’
says God, ‘I
will share my spirit with all mankind.’
(the apostle Peter, quoting the prophet Joel
in Acts 2:17,
CottonPatch version) |
Beginning with Praise
(9:50 am)
“Prelude in G Major”
Bach *Call to
Spirit, come with power”
*Opening Prayer
(ends with the Lord’s Prayer)
Jesus’ Promise
John 15:26-27, 16:4-7
Spirit of Truth
our Tithes and Offerings
“Filled With the Spirit’s Power”
(Please sign the attendance pad and
pass it on)
Spirit who Intercedes
Romans 8:22-27
a joy, a concern, a word of testimony or praise
(please be brief, and aware of God's listening presence)
Pastoral Prayer
Pentecost Story
the young at heart
settled on each person”
are flowing like a river”
Pentecost Story
Acts 2:5-21
“Power for the long haul” (mp3)
in our midst”

*Rise in body or in spirit #'s are from Hymnal:
A Worship Book
Worship leaders - see basic
guidelines |
Call to
1 - The Day of Pentecost is here:
2 - the day when the flames of faith dance in
our hearts.
1 - The Day of Pentecost is here:
2 - the day when our babbling speech becomes
the Good News for the world.
1 - The Day of Pentecost is here:
2 - the day when compassion is seared into
our souls.
1 - The Day of Pentecost is here:
2 - let the people of God rejoice. Alleluia!
Thom M. Shuman
transitional pastor at
Galloway Presbyterian Church
Columbus, OH
Lectionary Liturgies
1 - Spirit of the Living God, dance with us
on this day.
2 - Come, Whirlwind of Wonder!
1 - Sing to the groaning of creation.
2 - Come, still small voice of Hope!
1 - Enflame us with your passion for justice.
2 - Come, Liberator of the Least!
1 - Purify us of our grasping greediness.
2 - Come, Advocate of selfless living!
1 - Silence our gossiping tongues.
2 - Come, Harmony of God's Heart!
1 - Wind of God, blow through us;
2 - Fire of God, burn within us;
1 - Tongue of God, speak to us on this day of
renewal and birth,
2 - even as we pray as Jesus teaches us,
(The Lord’s Prayer)
Thom M. Shuman
transitional pastor at
Galloway Presbyterian Church
Columbus, OH
Lectionary Liturgies
Returning our Tithes and Offerings
Pray with me.
Even today, O Lord, there are many things yet to be told. With the
presence of your Spirit as our friend and advocate, help us to
handle them now. Take us by the hand and guide us into the truth.
Nudge us to make use of what you provide, that we might continue
the work of Jesus this day - simply, peacefully, and together.
Ushers, please come forward and receive our
Pastoral Prayer
written closer to the time (if not at the
perhaps one
like this
For the young at heart
settled on each person”

Acts 2:1-4
is read)
When my children were little, it always amazed me how quickly they
could make a mess. One minute a room was clean, everything picked
up. The next, toys were scattered everywhere. Anything not in a
safe place, up high or out of reach, was a potential
mess-in-the-making. Does this sound at all familiar to you? Was
there ever a time your mom or dad talked about you being like a
“whirlwind,” blowing through the house and making messes? Maybe
when you were younger?
Adults talk about “child-proofing” rooms. But almost in the same
breath we also talk about how much energy children have. It’s like
older people like your parents, or me, or every adult in this room
today, wishes we had half the amount of get-up-and-go that you
have. Watching you sometimes makes us tired, but it also makes us
long for the days when we were young like you, and could - as the
prophet Isaiah put it - “run
and not be weary, walk and not faint”
Today is Pentecost, the birthday celebration of the church. Were
you listening as Meghan read the first few verses of the second
chapter of Acts? If you remember from
last week, ten days before
this, Jesus “ascended,” he left them to go be with God. His
leaving on that day was a “different kind of sad” from the day he
was killed on a cross. He promised that they weren’t going to be
left alone, that a new teacher was coming.
Well, today, we celebrate that new teacher coming. Only that
teacher arrived on the scene sort of like a child enters a room.
So much energy! Blowing all around, a whirlwind. Almost takes your
breath away. Like a fire burning out of control … almost. The
disciples remembered it, using words like “wind” and “fire.” It
was like a little bit of fire coming and settling on each person
(light the “oil of joy”
lamp). After that, they could not shut up. They were full of
all sorts of interesting things to say.
Now, you are going to help the rest of us get a “feel” for what
happened on that first Pentecost, and what happens for us even
today. The rest of us will sing a song about the joy which is ours
as the Holy Spirit comes into our lives like a breath of fresh
air, like a fire, like the energy of a child, like oil which
anoints for a greater purpose…
Did I mention oil? Look at this lamp. What is inside it that helps
it burn? Oil. Did you know that when someone in our church is
sick, we sometimes anoint them with oil to remind them that God is
always near? We do so to help them know that they are not helpless
or hopeless, that they have a power within them that is greater
than their illness. They can be well. We also anoint people for
other purposes.
While we sing the next song, I’m going to invite everyone to come
forward to be anointed by you,
our young people. I have four containers of oil, each with a
little sponge in it. To anoint, just put your forefinger on the
sponge and press down. That will put a little oil on your finger.
Then, with your finger, make the sign of the cross on the forehead
of whoever comes to you (do
it to each child). Do
you think you can do that?
To the rest of you gathered today, I invite you to allow our
children to anoint you with the oil of joy. Remember that the Holy
Spirit is not a story from the past. It is the power and presence
of God for today. This Spirit comes to us as wind and fire, as
child-like joy and energy, as the wisdom of the ages fresh and
new, as old as time itself and new as an infant just born, full of
possibility and imagination. Turn in your hymnal to #301, “Joys
are flowing like a river,” and stand. If you feel so moved,
come forward with your hymnal as you sing and stand before one of
our children. May you feel the touch of God through the touch of
their finger. The Spirit still flows!
The Pentecost Story
Acts 2:5-21
1 - Now there were devout Jews from every
nation under heaven living in Jerusalem.
2 - And at this sound the crowd gathered and
was bewildered, because each one heard them speaking in the native
language of each.
1 - Amazed and astonished, they asked,
2 - “Are not all these who are speaking
1 - And how is it that we hear, each of us,
in our own native language?
1 - Parthians,
2 - Medes,
1 - Elamites,
2 - and residents of Mesopotamia,
1 - Judea
2 - and Cappadocia,
1 - Pontus
2 - and Asia,
1 - Phrygia
2 - and Pamphylia,
1 - Egypt
2 - and the parts of Libya belonging to
1 - and visitors from Rome, both Jews and
2 - Cretans and Arabs
1 - in our own languages we hear them
speaking about God’s deeds of power.”
2 - All were amazed and perplexed, saying to
one another,
1 - “What does this mean?”
2 - But others sneered and said,
1 - “They are filled with new wine.”
2 - But Peter,
(2 comes down the steps to speak)
1 - standing with the eleven, raised his
voice and addressed them,
(while 2 speaks, 1 moves over to the
2 - “Men of Judea and all who live in
Jerusalem, let this be known to you, and listen to what I say.
Indeed, these are not drunk, as you suppose, for it is only nine
o’clock in the morning. No, this is what was spoken through the
prophet Joel:
1 - ‘In the last days it will be, God
that I will pour out my Spirit upon all flesh,
and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy,
and your young men shall see visions,
and your old men shall dream dreams.
Even upon my slaves, both men and women,
in those days I will pour out my Spirit;
and they shall prophesy.
And I will show portents in the heaven above
and signs on the earth below,
blood, and fire, and smoky mist.
The sun shall be turned to darkness
and the moon to blood,
before the coming of the Lord’s great and glorious day.
Then everyone who calls on the name of the Lord shall be saved.’
the New
Revised Standard Version
copyright © 1989 by the Division of Christian Education of the
National Council of the Churches of Christ in the United States
of America.
Used by permission. All rights reserved
God still moves in our midst.
Jesus still leads us onward.
The Spirit still blows into our lives. So, fill your
lungs with holy wind.
Let holy fire burn within.
Listen for holy wisdom,
and speak as you hear. Remember, you are given
Power for the long haul.