An Index of Sermons based upon texts from
The New Testament

preached at the
Long Green Valley Church of the Brethren
Glen Arm, Maryland  USA
by Pete Haynes

Most sermons (staring January 2000) have worship services also posted online.
If the sermon has a manuscript, the link to the worship is on that webpage.
If the sermon is recorded & posted only as an mp3, the worship link is on this page.
I generally stopped using a manuscript (noted as "no ms" below) in 2005. Links will take you to worship material.






Matthew 1:18-25

Breaking a Resolution
"What’s in a name?" (mp3) (order of worship)
"Witness to Withness" (mp3) (order of worship)
Witnesses of the Nativity: Mary & Joseph (no ms)
"God with us: a threat or a promise"

Matthew 2:1-12

"Wisdom along the way" (mp3) (order of worship)
"Grandpa’s Typewriter" (mp3) (order of worship)
"Elway, Clayton, and Vince" (revisited) - text version, .mp3 audio
"Acting upon what we perceive" (mp3) (order of worship)
"Witnesses of the Nativity: the Magi" (no ms)
"Voyagers, not voyeurs"
"Elway, Clayton, and Vince"
"Perceiving the Star"

Matthew 2:13-23

"One foot in heaven" (order of worship)
"Listening to and following the dream" (mp3) (order of worship)
"The Truth Beyond the Facts"

Matthew 3:1-12

"a ‘Call to Worship’ in the flesh" (mp3) (order of worship)
"Ready, aim, bear fruit" (mp3) (order of worship)
"Dream, Dream, Dream"

Matthew 3:13-17

"Forgiven and Commissioned" (mp3) (order of worship)
"Do you hear?"
"Not about you..."

Matthew 4:1-11 (synoptic comparisons)

"Into the time of trial"
"Being led into the desert" (mp3) (order of worship)
"Dealing with Temptation"
"Go Fast" (no ms)

Matthew 4:12-23

"The power of two"
"Casting with a stronger line" (mp3) (order of worship)
"Fish Tales"

Matthew 4:23-5:3 "Sitting with Jesus"

Matthew 5:1-7:29

"Sermon on the Mount Sunday"

Matthew 5:1-12

"The foolishness of blessing"
"Blessed foolishness" (mp3) (order of worship)

Matthew 5:4 "Good grief"
Matthew 5:5 "Hurry up and wait"

Matthew 5:6-8

"The Blessing of Choice"
(Beatitudes series, part 2)

Matthew 5:9-12

"Transfigured Curses"
(Beatitudes series, part 3)

Matthew 5:13

"Salt of the Earth"

Matthew 5:13-20 "Meant to be used"

Matthew 5:14-16

"More than we can handle ... alone" (mp3) - Ben Barlow

Matthew 5:21-32

"A Real Valentine Verse"

Matthew 5:21-37 "Choosing what's right"
"A Testimony to Faithfulness"

Matthew 5:33-37

"Integrity is More Than Just a Word"
(10 Commandments series)

Matthew 5:38-48 "Can't do it alone"

Matthew 6:9

"Dad, can I have the car keys?"

Matthew 6:19-24

"A Fire in the Belly"
(10 Commandments series)

Matthew 6:24-34

"Yeah... Right"
"Distressing the furniture" (mp) (order of worship)

Matthew 9:9-13

"Not sacrifice, but mercy"

Matthew 9:18-26

"Come and lay your hand on her"
(no notes, telling the story as Jairus)

Matthew 9:35-10:14

"Be briefed"

Matthew 10:24-39

"When your hair stands up" (mp3) (order of worship)

Matthew 10:40-42

"Best to start small" (mp3) (order of worship)
"Just a cup of cold water"

Matthew 11:2-11

White elephant
Answering our own question" (mp3) (order of worship)
"The Holy Way" (mp3) (order of worship)

Matthew 11:7-11

"Lost and Found"

Matthew 11:20-30

"Learning the unforced rhythms of grace"

Matthew 11:28-30

"The Yoke of Peace"

Matthew 13:1-9, 18-23

"Tossing and Turning" (mp3) (order of worship)
"Fertile Ground"
"A fisherman’s guide to farming" (both text and mp3, with worship order)

Matthew 13:24-30, 36-43

"In the field of the Lord" (no notes)

Matthew 13:31-33 "Hidden things still surprise"

Matthew 13:31-22, 44-52

"The Mustard Seed Conspiracy"
"Entrusted Treasure"

Matthew 14:13-21

"Face time… out of joint"
"Reversed Prayer" (mp3) (order of worship)
"A better menu" (mp3) (order of worship)
"And all ate ... and were filled"
"Full" (no ms)

Matthew 14:22-33

"Stepping out" (mp3) (order of worship)
"After…" (mp3) (order of worship)
"When you can’t stand ... walk to Jesus" (no ms)
"Rockin' the boat"

Matthew 15:1-9

"So that your days may be long?"
(10 Commandments series)

Matthew 15:1-20

"What ‘defiles’ a person"

Matthew 15:21-28 "A cry for mercy" (mp3) (order of worship)

Matthew 16:13-23

"Building, opening, connecting" (mp3) (order of worship)
"Binding and loosing"
"the stone of fear"
"Larry's Church" (a story sermon)

Matthew 16:21-28 "Rock or stumbling block" (mp3) (order of worship)

Matthew 17:1-9 (synoptic comparisons)

"Listening in the cloud" (mp3) (order of worship)
"Mountain Men" (mp3) (order of worship)
"What do we say?"
"Coming down the Mountain"
"Roller Coaster or Merry-go-round?" (no ms)

Matthew 18:21-35 "Merci"
"Wiping the slate clean" (mp3) (order of worship)

Matthew 20:1-16

"Gratitude Challenge" (mp3)  (order of worship)
"A Jubilee of Justice"

Matthew 21:1-11 (and parallels)

"Back on top" (no ms)

Matthew 21:23-32

"By what authority?"

Matthew 21:28-32

"Like a Comfortable, Old Couch"
(a story sermon)

Matthew 21:33-46

"A Vineyard Love Song"
"Vines and Stones" (mp3) (order of worship)

Matthew 22:1-14

"The Wedding Banquet"
"Known for those who are included instead of those excluded "

Matthew 22:15-22

"In whose image?"
"A coin and a mirror" (no ms)

Matthew 22:34-40

"Back to Basics"
"A Step Beyond"

Matthew 23:1-12

"Neither burdensome nor showy" (mp3) (order of worship)
"By this you shall know" (no ms)

Matthew 23:23-24

"Blest be the Tithe that Binds"

Matthew 24:36-44

Hope in action
"When yawn overpowers dawn" (mp3) (order of worship)
"New Glasses"

Matthew 25:1-13

"A frantic dash" (mp3) (order of worship)
"That Which Cannot Be Borrowed"

Matthew 25:14-30

"Getting out of the hole" (mp3) (order of worship)
"A peace no thief can steal"
"How do you see God?"

Matthew 25:31-46

"Untitled"  (no notes)
"The Stewardship of our Relationships"

Matthew 26:36-46

"A Drinking Prayer" (mp3)  (order of worship)

Matthew 27:11-26

"Pilate - God’s instrument of justice?"

Matthew 28:1-10

"A Rising Prayer" (mp3)  (order of worship)

Matthew 28:5-10, 16-20

"A lot of Go-ing going on"

Matthew 28:16-20

The power of being sent (mp3) (order of worship)
"In the name of the Father" (mp3)  (order of worship)
"On a clear day" (study notes only)


Mark 1:1-8

"Making the Connection"

Mark 1:35

"Wide-eyed by starlight"

Mark 1:9-15

"Immediately" (mp3) (order of worship)
"Responding with a clear conscience"

"Is there time"

Mark 1:14-20

"Active Rest" (mp3) (order of worship)
"Shifting and gifting" (no ms)

Mark 1:16-20

"Goin' Fishin'"

Mark 1:21-28

"A Cleansing Silence" (mp3) (order of worship)

Mark 1:29-39

"From ailing to serving"
"When stretched to our limits" (mp3) (order of worship)
"At the home of Simon and Andrew" (mp3)  (order of worship)
"That is what I came to do"

Mark 1:40-45

"Touching the Untouchable" (mp3) (order of worship)

Mark 2:1-12

"When you welcome Jesus into your home"
"The one who forgives sin"

Mark 2:23-3:6 "Blessed with rest"

Mark 4:35-41

"Kon Tiki"
"When the storm swamps the boat"

Mark 5:21-43

"Just believe"

Mark 6:1-13 "You are the equipment"

Mark 6:30-46

"A Lonely Place ... a Crowded Shore"

Mark 6:30-34, 53-56 "Like sheep without a shepherd"

Mark 6:45-56

"Out of boat experiences" (mp3)  (order of worship)

Mark 7:1-23

"Getting to the heart of the matter" (mp3) (order of worship)
"Germs and Sin"

Mark 7:24-37 "Ephphatha … Be opened!" (mp3) (order of worship)

Mark 8:27-38

"Lord, I’m frightened, but … Amen" (mp3) (order of worship)
"Back to the drawing board" (mp3) (order of worship)

Mark 8:27-38/Matthew 16:17-18 "By another name"

Mark 9:2-9  (synoptic comparisons)

"On paying attention" (mp3) (order of worship)
"But we don’t live there" (mp3) (order of worship)
"Beyond what we can see"

Mark 9:2-29 "I believe…"

Mark 9:8-17

"When the scene shifts"

Mark 9:33-50

"Adding flavor to a tasteless world"

Mark 10:2-16

"Out of the mouths of babes" (mp3) (order of worship)
"Invited to the marriage supper of the Lamb"

Mark 10:17-31

"Inheriting eternal life"
"Letting go" (mp3) (order of worship)
"Did Jesus Ever Laugh?" (mp3) (order of worship)
Rev. Gene Hagenberger, preacher - Mid-Atlantic District Executive Minister

Mark 10:35-45

"On the left and on the right"

Mark 10:46-52

"Bart’s Story" (includes order of worship & mp3)

Mark 11:1-11

"Trees for Life"

Mark 12:38-44

"Putting in Everything"
"Table of Justice" (mp3) (order of worship)

Mark 13:1-8

"Take a deep breath" (mp3) (order of worship)

Mark 13:24-37

"Keep Awake"

Mark 16:1-8

"He is going ahead of you..."
"Between 'the Troubles I've Seen,'
and the 'Glory, Hallelujah'


Luke 1:5-25, 57-80 "God's interruption" (mp3) (order of worship)
Luke 1:26-56 "Joy-full" (mp3) (order of worship)

Luke 1:26-38, 46-55

"In the hands of a teenager" (mp3) (order of worship)

Luke 1:26-38 (etc.)

"A heavenly host around us" (order of worship)

Luke 1:39-56

"Listening every day"
Reclaiming “Christmas(order of worship)

Luke 1:46-55

"A marginal song" (no ms)

Luke 1:68-79

Reclaiming “Evangelism” and “Testimony”  (order of worship)

Luke 2:1-20 To Treasure and Ponder

Luke 2:8-20

"Eternal Moments, Global Places"
Witnesses of the Nativity: the Shepherds (no ms)

Luke 2:22-39

"Simeon’s Song"

Luke 2:41-52

"They did not understand"
"In God's House"

Luke 3:7-18

"A moment of truth" (mp3) (order of worship)

Luke 3:15-22 "In quietness and in trust" (mp3) (order of worship)
"Remember your baptism" (mp3) (order of worship)

Luke 4:1-13 (synoptic comparisons)

"Still" (order of worship)
"and let us not succumb to the trial" (mp3) (order of worship)
(different from below)

"the stone of temptation"
"and let us not succumb to the trial"

Luke 4:14-21 "Fulfilled in your hearing" (mp3) (order of worship)

Luke 4:14-30

"Arranged with purpose" (mp3) (order of worship)
"Returning Home"

Luke 4:16-21

"Prayer in Action"

Luke 5:1-11

"Into the Deep"  (mp3) - Ben Barlow, (order of worship)
"Drop Everything" (a 10 minute "walking sermon" video)
"It was this big!"  (no notes)
"Letting Down our Nets"
(Congregational Megatrends Series #6)

Luke 5:12-16, 17:11-19

"A Leper's Story"  (no notes)

Luke 6:17-26

"Incomes and Outcomes" (mp3) (order of worship)
(“Plain Truth” sermon series - 1)
"Plain truth"
"How are your roots?"

Luke 6:27-28

"Shifting proverbs to live by"

Luke 6:27-36

"What do you expect?" (mp3) (order of worship)
(“Plain Truth” sermon series - 2)

Luke 6:37-42

"Seeing past the log" (mp3) (order of worship)
(“Plain Truth” sermon series - 3)

Luke 6:43-49

"What goes around, comes around " (mp3) (order of worship)
(“Plain Truth” sermon series - 3)
"Set Free from Vanity"
(10 Commandments series)

Luke 7:1-10 "Surprised by faith" (mp3) (order of worship)

Luke 7:11-17

"A great prophet has risen" (mp3) (order of worship)

Luke 7:36-50 "From behaving badly to living gladly" (mp3) (order of worship)

Luke 7:36 - 8:3

Until the jar is broken(order of worship)
"Without an invitation" (mp3) (order of worship)

Luke 8:26-39

"After the demons leave"
"Opposite Galilee" (no ms)

Luke 9:23 - 27

The amazing race (no ms)

Luke 9:28-36 (synoptic comparisons)

"The Testimony of James, disciple of Jesus"
(a first person re-telling of the story - no notes)

Luke 9:51-62

With faces set toward Jerusalem
"Hand-eye coordination"
machine didn't record sermon (order of worship)
"Amid 'Bombs bursting in Air'"
"Jesus set his face"

Luke 10:1-11

"Traveling light, with purpose" (mp3) (order of worship)

Luke 10:25-37

"I feel a parable coming on!"
Mercy revealed

Transformational Immersion
(order of worship)
"Cared for by my neighbor" (mp3) (order of worship)
"Love along the way" (mp3) (order of worship)
"Crossing the road"
"God's Plumb Line"

Luke 10:38-42

"The Gift of Hospitality" (mp3) (order of worship)
"Lions and tigers and bears, O my!" (mp3) (order of worship)
"At home with Martha and Mary" (no ms)

Luke 11:1-13

Perserverance in Prayer
"Hounding the Holy" (order of worship)
"Asking ... Seeking ... Knocking"
(NYC sendoff)
"On Prayer" (mp3) by Sue Ellen Wheatley

Luke 12:13-21 "Real barn raising" (mp3) (order of worship)

Luke 12:22-34

"Holy Satisfaction ... Holy Dissatisfaction"
(a story sermon)

Luke 12:32-40

"Peter Pan and the treasure hunt"

Luke 12:49-53

"Playing with fire"

Luke 13:1-9 Immersed in the Eternal Now(order of worship)

Luke 13:10-17

"Setting Free" (mp3) (order of worship)
"Strength in our week-ness"

Luke 13:31-35

"Jerusalem, Jerusalem"

Luke 14:1, 7-14

From one meal to another
"Little things matter" (mp3) (order of worship)
"Table talk"

Luke 14:15-24

"A foretaste of things to come"

 Luke 14:25-33

"Over the top" (mp3) (order of worship)

Luke 15:1-10

Joy in the presence
"Worth the risk" (mp3 - ends with this video) (order of worship)
"Search and Rescue"
"More joy in heaven" (no ms)

Luke 15:11-32

I have sinned…(order of worship(powerpoint)
"You are always with me"
"An unexpected welcome"
(Servanthood Series #4)

Luke 16:1-13

"Dear Prudence" (mp3) (order of worship)

Luke 16:19-31

Barometer of the soul
"Back Dives" (no ms)

Luke 17:1-10

"Being Constant" (mp3) (order of worship)

Luke 17:11-19

"And he was a Samaritan" (mp3) (order of worship)
"The one who turned back"

Luke 18:1-8

"A Bothersome Gospel" (mp3) (order of worship)
"Wrestling a Blessing"
"Don't Cease ... Persist!"

Luke 18:9-14

Prone to wander
"Binding wandering hearts" (mp3) (order of worship)
"Reality Check"

Luke 19:1-10

No Bull
"Up a tree" (mp3) (order of worship)
"Calling Zacchaeus"
(one end of a telephone conversation between
a 1st century telemarketer & a prospective customer)

Luke 19:28-40

"A fool’s errand (no ms)

Luke 19:28 - 24:53

"Two Crowds"

Luke 19:41-44

"Our Greatest Weapon"

Luke 20:27-38

"Your Life in Christ is your Real Life" (mp3) (order of worship)
"Responsibility and Resurrection" (no notes)

Luke 21:5-19

In the crucible of adversity
"Faith under fire"

Luke 21:25-36

"Hidden Hope" (mp3) (order of worship)
"Are you ready?"
Reclaiming “Prophecy” & “Repentance”  (order of worship)

Luke 22:31-34, 54-62 Before the cock crows(order of worship)

Luke 23:13-25

"Two Crowds"

Luke 23:34 "Father, forgive them"

Luke 23:33-43

"Ride on, King Jesus" (written & mp3) (order of worship)
"Paradise between two thieves"

Luke 24:1-12

Immersed in Remembrance(order of worship)
"Leros" (mp3) (order of worship)
"the stone removed"
"Preparing for the Inevitable, Returning with the Unexpected"

Luke 24:13-35

"On the road again"
"Encounters along the way"
(audio (mp3) of the above from later date - with order of worship)
Between "the Troubles I've Seen,"
and the "Glory, Hallelujah

Luke 24:36-48

"Eating it up" (mp3) (order of worship)


John 1:1-9

"More than we can handle ... alone" (mp3) - Ben Barlow

John 1:1-14

"Not just ‘for the birds’"

John 1:1-18

"And the darkness did not overcome" (mp3) (order of worship)
"What’s a ‘pair of ducks’?"
"Chile con Carne"
"Untitled" (mp3) by Sue Ellen Wheatley

John 1:29-42

"The power of one"
"Behold the lamb of God" (mp3) (order of worship)

John 1:43-51

"Greater things" (mp3) (order of worship)
"You know me"  (mp3) (order of worship)
"Can anything good come out of Nazareth"

John 2:1-11

"Of Miracles and Smiles"
"Untitled" (mp3) by Sue Ellen Wheatley (order of worship)

John 2:13-22

"The web of God’s design"
"Cleansing rod on greed and lies" (mp3) (order of worship)
"Turning the Tables"

John 3:1-17

"Beyond words" (mp3) (order of worship)
"God’s Doulas" (mp3) (order of worship)
"Born again, and again"
"Night Rider" (no ms)

John 3:(1-10) 11-21

"Nic at Night"
(telling the story as a Biblical character)

John 3:14-21

"The healing promise"
"Beyond all the titles"
"Crisis Counseling" (mp3) (order of worship)

John 4:5-42

"Even when we don’t fully grasp"
"To drink and to share" (mp3) (order of worship)
"Well within" (mp3)  (order of worship)
"Getting wet" (no ms)
"The places we don't want to go"

John 5:1-9

"Stirred up" (mp3) (order of worship)
"A Bridge over Troubled Waters"

John 6

"Whole Wheat, Greenbacks, and Real Life"

John 6:1-14

"But what good is that?"
"Seeing the Big Picture"
(Congregational Megatrends Series #7)

John 6:56-69

"Hard Word" (mp3) (order of worship)

John 8:1-11

"the stone of condemnation"
"What is so Adult about Adultery"
(10 Commandments series)

John 9:1-41

"…but now I see"
"Though I was blind, now I see" (mp3)  (order of worship)
"Hands Up"
"Here's mud in your eye"

John 10:1-10 "Foregoing sheep" (mp3) (order of worship)

John 10:1-21

"Hear his voice ... Follow his steps"

John 10:11-18

"The Good Shepherd"

John 11:1-45

"Comma Community" (mp3) (order of worship)
"A stinkin’ prayer" (mp3)  (order of worship)
"The Windy Season"
"Scared to death"
"Scared to death" (no ms)

John 11:32-44

"Table of Life" (mp3) (order of worship)

John 12:1-8

Places in the heart(order of worship)
"a fragrant footnote" (mp3) (order of worship)
"For the day of my burial"
"Don’t steal the gift"
(Servanthood Series #5)

John 12:20-33

"It's all Greek to me"

John 12:24

"The Heart of the Matter"

John 13:34-35

"Remembering throughout the week" (a worship craft)
"Shifting proverbs to live by"

John 14:1-14

"Moving past the sin of certainty"
"Troubled by the right things"

John 14:8-17

"Redefining greatness" (mp3) (order of worship)

John 14:15-21

"With help from above"
"If you love me..."

John 14:23-29

"Living the giving" (no ms)

John 15:1-8

"Abiding in the Vine"
"An abiding presence" (no ms)
"The Wisdom of the Vine"

John 15:9-17

"Abide and abound" (mp3) (order of worship)
"I have called you friends" (mp3) (order of worship)
"Living as God's friends"

John 15:12-13

"Shifting proverbs to live by"

John 15:26 – 16:15

"When the Spirit of Truth comes" (mp3) (order of worship)

John 16:12-15

"Isn’t that the truth!"

John 17:1-11

"Safe in the Son while walking in the Light" (mp3)  (order of worship)
"A Prayer for God's family"

John 17:6-19

"I have planted them" (mp3) (order of worship)

John 17:20-26

Praying forward
"Praying into the future" (no ms)

John 18:33-37

"Table of the King" (mp3) (order of worship)
To follow where he leads" (includes mp3) (order of worship)

John 20:1-18

"A fool's errand?"
"And so she ran"
"Expressing the Inexpressible" (mp3) (order of worship)
"That inmost calm" (mp3) (order of worship)
"I have seen the Lord"
"A Child's Eye View"  (Easter)
"Blown Away or Called by Name?"

John 20:19-23

"The Holy Spirit and forgiveness"

John 20:19-31

"My Lord and my God"
Receive, Forgive, Believe
(order of worship)
"Laughter in the face of fear" (mp3) (order of worship)
"From fear to faith" (mp3) (order of worship)
"So that you may come to believe" (mp3) (order of worship)
"My Lord..." (Thomas tells his story)
"God's Hallmarks for Others"
"Moving Beyond Locked Doors"
"The Thomas in us all"
Between "the Troubles I've Seen," and the "Glory, Hallelujah"

John 21:1-19

"Breakfast with Jesus" (mp3) (order of worship)
"Continuing the work of Jesus"
"_______, Do you love me?"
"Cashew Nuts"

John 21:25

"We have grasped only a fragment" (no ms)


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